Mission: The mission of the Rancho Santiago Community College District is to provide quality educational programs and services that address the needs of our diverse students and communities.
Santa Ana College
Mission: Santa Ana College inspires, transforms, and empowers a diverse community of learners.
Santa Ana College Vision Themes: I. Student Achievement; II. Use of Technology; III. Innovation; IV. Community; V. Workforce Development; VI. Emerging American Community.
The Planning and Budget Committee is the participatory governance committee responsible for recommending budget priorities, procedures, and processes to the College Council. The Planning and Budget Committee also functions as a community liaison for fiscal affairs with the college community.
The Planning and Budget Committee:
- Reviews the college budget and district resource allocation model and recommends overall budget priorities, procedures, and processes for the annual budget, including appropriations and priorities for facilities modifications.
- Recommends and monitors a long-range fiscal plan with consideration of priorities consistent with district and college planning.
- Reviews state and federal legislation for local budget impact; on a quarterly basis.
- Reviews revenues, expenditures, and proposed budget adjustments.
- Reviews and recommends a budget calendar and processes for resource allocation, including guidelines for developing tentative, and adopted budgets.
- Communicates, through its members, with the college community on fiscal issues, the committee’s work, and recommendations.
Dr. Bart Hoffman, Vice President, Administrative Services - Co-Chair Jorge Lopez - Faculty Co-Chair |
Administration | Vaniethia Hubbard, Jim Kennedy, Jeffrey Lamb, Robert Manson
Academic Senate Representation | Claire Coyne, Merari Weber, Kelly Nguyen, Brandon Rocke, John Zarske, Jennie Beltran, Reza Mirveik, Luis Pedroza
CSEA Representation | Omelina Garcia, Mark Ou, Jimmy Nguyen
Student Representation | Julia Guerrero
Meeting & Schedule Archives
Resource Allocation Requests