2025 Parking Information
2025 Spring Semester Parking Permits are now available for purchase!! All students and staff are expected to have a valid parking permit to park at Santa Ana or Santiago Canyon Colleges. Spring semester begins February 10, 2025. Citations with a $45 fine will be issued for anyone parking without a permit beginning February 10, 2025, so don't delay!
*Beginning Fall 2024, student permits will only allow one active permit.
Please refer to the CAMPUS MAP for parking lot designations and see below:
Staff parking-Lot 1 (M-F until 4pm), Lot 4, Lot 5.
Student parking- Lots 6 through 13 (Unmarked stalls). Lot 1 is available to students after 4pm and on weekends.
Visitor parking-Lot 3. Time limit is 30 minutes.
Visitor parking is 1/2 hour only. The campus map also shows where day permit dispensers are located.
Parking Rules and Regulations
All vehicles must have a valid parking permit to park at SAC. Purchase of a parking permit does not guarantee the availability of a parking space. Parking is authorized only in those areas designated for the type of permit issued. Parking must be in full accordance with the signs posted and/or these written regulations. Student permits are valid in student lots only. Click on link below or go to “Regulations" tab to view all regulations.
All vehicles parked on campus (except for 30-minute visitor parking) must have a valid parking permit. The following are permits available for purchase:
Staff/Student semester permits online through Self-Service - $30
Staff/Student semester permits (Summer)- $10
Day permit available at pay stations on campus- $2
Failure to purchase a parking permit may result in a citation being issued. Please see “Purchase Parking Permit" tab for further information on obtaining a permit.
Guest Parking
- Daily- $2
- Weekly - $5
- Monthly - $10
- Term (16 weeks from date of purchase) - $30
Click on “Purchase Parking Permit" tab for details on purchasing. Once purchased, refunds for parking permits are issued only if classes are dropped during the first two weeks.
The Campus Safety Department receives its authority to enforce the traffic and parking regulations from the California Penal Code, the California Vehicle Code and the Municipal Court. Ignoring a citation will result in immediate legal action in the form of additional penalties and a hold being placed on your vehicle registration with the Department of Motor Vehicles. Citations will be issued for violation of provisions of the California Vehicle Code as well as the following special college regulations under Section 21113 C.V.C.
Special Parking Areas
- Each campus has designated visitor lots which allow you to park for 30 minutes without penalty. Thirty-minute or temporary parking areas are designated with green painted curbs and/or posted signage in the absence of painted curbs. If any visitor is going to be in a space for longer than the designated time limit, he/she should purchase a temporary parking permit from the permit vending machines which requires $2.00 (subject to change) for an all-day parking permit good in any student lot. Permit pay machines accept cash, credit, or debit card.
Handicapped - Several areas on campus are designated for handicapped parking. Vehicles parked in these blue-lined parking stalls are required to properly display a California Handicapped placard or a current Special Handicapped Permit and purchase a valid college parking permit.
Staff Lots
- Staff members must purchase a valid Staff Parking Permit.
Motorcycles, Mopeds, Bicycles
No permit is required for motorcycles, mopeds, or bicycles if parked in the designated motorcycle parking or bicycle racks. Use of a vehicle stall requires a permit.
How to Contest A Citation
Any person who feels a citation was issued in error may contest the citation within 21 days of issuance. You may contest online at: https://rsccd.citationportal.com/. According to California law, non-payment of citations will result in a registration hold at DMV, and renewal of vehicle registration is contingent upon compliance.
The following listed does not constitute good cause to void or dismiss citations. Appeals based solely on these reasons will not be considered.
Lack of knowledge of the regulation
Other vehicles parked improperly.
Late to class or appointment
Disagreement with, or inability to pay the parking penalty.
RSCCD contracts with a third party that manages the payment and processing of all vehicle citations issued by campus safety officers. Reach them at their web address https://rsccd.citationportal.com or as follows:
Enforcement Solution Center
P.O. Box 610188
San Jose, CA 95161-0188
Go to the “Citations & Fines" tab for further information.
Parking Lot Security
The college provides personnel to patrol the parking lots. However, persons parking on district property do so at their own risk. RSCCD does not assume any responsibility for loss or damage to vehicles or their contents while parked anywhere on district property.
Although our campus is relatively crime free, one type of problem is motor vehicle related theft. Please read our advisory carefully.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your local campus safety office at (714) 564-6330.