RSCCD Mission: The mission of the Rancho Santiago Community College District is to provide quality educational programs and services that address the needs of our diverse students and communities.
Santa Ana College Mission Statement:
Santa Ana College inspires, transforms, and empowers a diverse community of learners.
Santa Ana College Vision Themes: I. Student Achievement; II. Use of Technology; III. Innovation; IV. Community; V. Workforce Development; VI. Emerging American Community.
The Mission of the Facilities and Safety Committee
The Facilities Committee is the participatory governance committee responsible for identifying scheduled and other maintenance projects to ensure an aesthetic and safe environment for faculty, staff, students, and community. It serves as an information and exchange body on facilities projects that are in construction or that are being planned.
The Facilities and Safetey Committee:
Identifies and prioritizes projects including potential hazards, operational effectiveness and appearance.
Communicates through its members, with the college community on facilities issues, the committee’s work and recommendations.
Identifies potential secondary effects due to the construction of new facilities or the remodeling of existing ones.
Convene and coordinate the Safety and Security Task Force (formerly known as the Safety and Security Committee) as needed
2022-2023 Committee Goals
Dr. Bart Hoffman, Vice President, Administrative Services, Co-chair Jason Huskey - Faculty Co-chair |
Administration | Jeffrey Lamb, Vaniethia Hubbard, Jim Kennedy, Jennie Adams, Shannon Kaveney, Lt. Dave Waters, Don Maus, Bill Reardon, Krystle Taylor
Academic Senate Representation | Monica Zarske, Nicole Patch, Amberly Chamberlian, Darren Hostetter, Alejandro Moreno, Crystal Jenkins
CSEA Representation
| Mark Ou
Student Representative
| Manny Rodriguez
| Johnson Student Center - HPI presentation