Counseling & Academic Advisement
Counselors in the Center for Teacher Education are specially trained to assist students interested in pursuing careers as teachers and educators. Like all counselors at Santa Ana College, they assist students with creating and updating educational plans, completing graduation petitions, and referring students to information and resources. It is highly recommended to meet with a counselor early in your educational journey and continually at least once each semester. The tools and resources below are best used in consultation with a SAC counselor. Please
contact the Center for Teacher Education to schedule an appointment with one of our counselors.
Sample Program Plans
These guides provide sample educational plans that provide an example of a timeline where these degrees can be completed in two years. It also provides recommended activities and required timelines to support your goals at specific points in your journey. Please consult with a Counselor in the Center for Teacher Education to create a personalized comprehensive educational plan to assist you with reaching your educational and professional goals.
Transfer Applications (CSU and UC)
Cal State Apply can be used to explore the 23 CSU campuses including degrees, admission requirements, and information about financial aid. Students will also use this website to complete their online application to transfer to a California State University campus, paying close to attention to the application dates and deadlines!
UC Admissions provides the link to complete the online transfer application for the 9 undergraduate University of California campuses. Here, students can also review tips for completing the online application, view the application dates and deadlines, and discover what to expect after applying.