About the Fainbarg Chase Thrive Center
The right to basic necessities for all students to reach their full potential.
| We provide holistic resources to alleviate challenges to students' basic needs. We advocate for fundamental basic rights to promote a just environment where every student can thrive.
| Belonging Compassion JUSTICE
Fall 2019: Student survey sent out to gauge basic needs, particularly food and housing security. ASG begins planning for food distributions based on survey data.
February 2020: "Don's Corner" introduced as a farmer's market-style food distribution. Initial success with student turnout and community volunteers.
March 2020: Pandemic hits, disrupting plans for food distribution. Partnerships with Power of One Foundation begin in Fall 2020.
Fall 2020 - Spring 2021: Drive-thru food distributions in partnership with Power of One Foundation.
Spring 2021: Name "Thrive Center" adopted. Advocacy efforts for the food pantry expand across campus, involving ASG, SAC Academic Senate, and RSCCD Board of Trustees.
September 2021: The Fainbarg Chase Thrive Center Food Pantry opens with support from landmark donation from the Fainbarg and Chase families.
Spring 2023: Formalized additional services to include CalFresh Outreach Program, Resource Navigation, Basic Needs Emergency Grants, Hygiene Support, Diaper Program, and Career Closet.
January 2025: The Fainbarg Chase Thrive Center opens a brand new, centralized unit housing all basic needs programs and services under one roof.
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