Women's History Month 2025
Annual Menstrual Product Drive
March 1 - March 31 | Drop-off Boxes Around Campus
Nearly 1 in 4 students have struggled to afford period products in the United States. 44% of teens report stress and embarrassment due to a lack of access to period products. Over one in three (37%) American adults who menstruate say they or their family have struggled to afford menstrual products. Join Alpha Gamma Sigma Omicron Chapter, the History Department, and the Learning Center in collecting menstrual products for our SAC campus and Santa Ana community to help combat the lack of access and affordability of these critical hygiene products. Drop off locations include: The Learning Center (D-307), The Nealley Library, The Fainbarg Chase Thrive Center (LV-208).
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Memorial
March 1 - March 31 | The Learning Center
In anticipation of the Factory Fire Commemoration on 3/25 later in March, students and faculty alike are encouraged to visit the Learning Center (D-307) to review the display of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of March 25, 1911. Students can complete a short DOTA for possible credit.
Film screening of “Harriet Tubman: Visions of Freedom (2022)”
March 4 | 3 P.M. - 5 P.M. | D-101
Join us as we view this PBS/Firelight Films documentary that recreates Harriet Tubman’s “vision of freedom,” from her own escape to freedom and that of at least 70 other people. This film tells of Tubman’s later work as a spy for the Union during the Civil War, when she became the first woman to lead a major military operation in the United States. Q&A discussion to follow, sign-in sheet for attendance purposes.
Film screening of “No Más Bebés: No More Babies (2015)”
March 18 | 3 P.M. - 5 P.M. | D-101
The film tells the story of a landmark event in reproductive justice, when a small group of Mexican immigrant women sued county doctors, the state of California, and the U.S. government after they were sterilized while giving birth at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Despite losing the case, the plaintiffs influenced the revocation of California state law that allowed such unauthorized sterilizations. Q&A discussion to follow, sign-in sheet for attendance purposes.
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Commemoration
March 25 | 12 P.M. - 1 P.M. | The Spot | In partnership with ASG, snacks will be provided
The fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company in New York City, March 25, 1911, which claimed the lives of 146 young immigrant workers, is still one of the worst work-place disasters in the United States since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Join the History Department and ASG at The Spot to learn more about what lead to the conditions of this tragedy and how the gruesome deaths of the Triangle workers lead to workplace safety regulations and ultimately women’s suffrage. We will read the names of each martyr and introduce attendees to current local organizing efforts in Orange County.