A student’s academic standing is calculated and reviewed at the
end of each fall and spring semester, based only on his/her SAC/SCC
cumulative GPA. There are three categories of academic standing:
probation, subject to dismissal, and dismissal.
Academic probation. After attempting twelve or more units, a student is placed on probation when the SAC/SCC cumulative
grade point average for all work attempted falls below 2.0. (W’s
are counted in the attempted units).
Progress probation. A student who has attempted a total of twelve units will be placed on progress probation when the
percentage of all units in which a student has enrolled and for
which entries of “W”, “I”, and/or “NP” are recorded reaches or
exceeds fifty percent.
Academic/Progress Probation Intervention
Students placed on academic/progress probation are required to
attend a counseling intervention workshop. An email notification is
sent to the student and a registration hold is placed on the student
record until completion of the workshop.
Loss of Priority Registration
Progress probation. Students are placed on progress probation when the percentage of coursework at SAC/SCC that has an entry of “W”, “I”, “NP”, and “NC” reaches or exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the coursework attempted.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Registration priority shall be lost at the first registration opportunity after a student is placed on academic or progress probation or any combination thereof for two consecutive terms.
Student Right to Appeal
A student has the right to appeal an exception to a current Santa Ana College academic policy, including academic probation and progress probation. Student must complete and submit a Priority Registration & California College Promise Grant Appeal form. Appeal forms are available in the Admissions & Records office.
Removal From Probation
Academic probation. A student on academic/progress probation shall be removed from probation when the student’s cumulative
grade point average reaches 2.0 or higher.
Subject To Dismissal
A student’s academic standing is calculated and reviewed at the end of fall and spring semester, based upon a SAC/SCC cumulative grade point average. Summer is not counted as it is considered a session because it is not a full semester. A student who is on academic probation shall be subject to dismissal if the student earned a SAC/SCC cumulative grade point average (GPA) of less than 2.0 in all units attempted in each of 2 consecutive semesters. Dismissal
Academic dismissal. A student’s academic standing is calculated and reviewed at the end of fall and spring semester, based
upon a SAC/SCC cumulative grade point average. Summer is
not counted as it is considered a session because it is not a full
semester. A student who is on academic probation shall be
dismissed if the student earned a SAC/SCC cumulative grade
point average (GPA) of less than 2.0 in all units attempted in each
of 3 consecutive semesters.
Progress dismissal. A student who has been placed on progress dismissal shall be dismissed when the percentage of units in
which the student has enrolled and for which entries of “W,”
“I,” and/or “NP” are recorded reaches or exceeds 50% for three
consecutive semesters.
Dismissal after fall semester. A student may be given the academic standing of “Subject to Dismissal” at the end of fall semester when his/her SAC/SCC cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 after three consecutive semesters. The student is given the grace period of spring semester to remain in school. However, an academic hold is placed on the student record in April to prevent any further registrations until all grades have been reviewed at the end of spring semester. If the student achieves a 2.0 GPA for the spring semester, the student is allowed to remain at the college on probationary status, despite a SAC/SCC cumulative GPA of less than 2.0. If the 2.0 GPA for spring is NOT achieved, the student is academically dismissed. Students who are academically dismissed have a HOLD placed on their record and receive an email notifying them of their academically dismissed status (AD).
Petition for reinstatement after dismissal. A student may initiate the process for reinstatement after dismissal at the end of spring
semester by completing the Petition for Reinstatement After
Dismissal form. This form is available in the Admissions and
Records Office. A student can be reinstated if the spring semester
GPA is 2.0 or better. If the spring semester GPA is less than
2.0, the student can petition using the Exceptions to Academic
Regulations petition for reinstatement. This committee meets
the week prior to the start of the fall semester. A student should
make alternative plans in cases involving a denied petition.
Students who have SAC as a home campus submit their petition
to the SAC Admissions and Records Office.
Consequence of academic dismissal. A student cannot register for classes at SAC or SCC for one full semester. When the
student returns to SAC or SCC after “sitting”
out one semester,
the student returns on academic probation. In order to remain at
SAC or SCC, the student must achieve a 2.0 semester GPA in the
spring and fall semesters.
When a student is academically dismissed and the last semester GPA
is less than 2.0, the student is denied reinstatement and may not enroll
at SAC or SCC for one semester before reapplying to either college.
Remedial Course Limit
A student may complete a maximum of 30 semester units of basic
skills remedial courses. Remedial courses include non-degree or precollegiate
basic skills classes in math, English, reading, learning and
study skills.
A waiver is required beyond 30 units. Students must show a “C” or
better or a 2.0 GPA in remedial courses to qualify for a waiver. Waiver
forms are available in counseling.