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This is our preferred method of submission. You can complete, sign, and submit these forms electronically. If additional signatures are required, the form will automatically route itself to the appropriate person for signature request. You will be required to use your Self-Service account to access these forms.
PDF forms are available for you to download and print. You can submit completed forms (including any required signatures) in person or via email to Note: Adobe Acrobat Reader Plug-in is required to view these files.
PDF Version: Add Card
Nonresident students who have completed at least three years of high school in California and have graduated from a California high school and want to apply for a nonresident tuition exemption.
Link to form: Application for Credit By Examination
Residency regulations are extremely complex. The information contained in this document is summarized from the Education Code of California. The Admissions and Records Office will attempt to assist you, but the burden of proof rests with the student.
Every person, by law, has a legal residence and there can only be one legal residence. In California, those persons who possess the legal ability to establish residency must be physically present (lived in California) AND demonstrate their INTENT to remain in California. The residency determination date is one year and one day before the term begins. Since intent is a subjective state of mind, it must be demonstrated through objective measures. For more detailed information, please visit our website.
Use this form to change your home campus location from Santiago Canyon College (SCC), OEC, or CEC to Santa Ana College (SAC).
This form is used to update your Name, Birthdate, Social Security Number, Address, Majors, or High School status.
If you need to verify your identity and remove a fraud hold, please submit this form.
Petition for academic renewal for grades of D, F, or NC that have not been repeated. Requires review and signature of a counselor.
Petition for academic renewal for grades of D, F, or NC that have been repeated. Ensure that Santa Ana College has received official transcripts from other institutions before submitting this form.
Link to form: Academic Renewal with Course Repetition
Supporting documentation is required. This form is used for repeating a class for reasons such as a significant lapse of time, legally mandated training, or significant changes in industry or licensure standards.
This form requires review and signature from one of the following: instructor, counselor, or division dean.
A supporting statement is required. Deadline: the last day of instruction for the class section.
Use this form to add a class after the add period. The student, instructor, and division dean's signatures are required. After the first week of the late add period, the signature of the VP of Instruction is also required.
A copy of the student's military orders must be submitted with the completed petition. Deadline: No later than one year following the awarding of the original grade.
This form requires the student, instructor, division dean, and the Vice President of Academic Affairs' signatures. Division listings can be found here.
Link to form: Petition for Overlapping Classes
This form requires a counselor's signature before submission. Please contact the Counseling Office for assistance.
Link to form: Petition for Overload
This form requires a counselor's signature before submitting to us. Please get in touch with the Counseling Office for assistance.
This form and any supporting documents must be submitted to the relevant Department/Division Chair for approval. Division/Department listings can be found here.
Link to form: Substitute or Waive Major Requirements for Degrees and Certificates
If you meet a prerequisite/corequisite requirement from classwork completed outside of SAC or SCC, submit your official transcripts to SAC and make an appointment with a Counselor to request a Course Prerequisite Waiver. Please contact the Counseling Office at for assistance.
If you do not have directly corresponding class work on your transcript but meet the requirements, you can submit a Prerequisite/Corequisite Challenge Form to the relevant department for approval. Click here for the Division/Department listings.
Link to form: Prerequisite/Corequisite Challenge Form
If you need to regain access to your Self-Service and Canvas account, please submit this form.
Note: You will need to create a Dynamic Forms account to submit.
Required with any new application for a high school student taking college credit classes. Students who have previously submitted a Special Admit Form can submit an add card for additional class registrations during active enrollment.
This form requires the signatures of the student, parent/guardian, and high school counselor/principal.
Link to form: Special Admit Student Registration Form
For Adult School Dual Enrollment.
Request for Duplicate Diploma/Certificate
Request to Pick Up Diploma
California College Promise Grant Application (formerly known as BOG Fee Waiver)
California Nonresident Tuition Exemption (AB540)