Prerequisite Challenge Process
A prerequisite challenge requires written documentation, explanation of
alternative course work, background or abilities which adequately prepare
the student for the course. A Prerequisite Challenge Form can be obtained
from the appropriate instructional office. Prerequisites may be challenged for one or more of the following reasons:
The college has not developed the prerequisite according to its
established procedures or has not developed the prerequisite in
accord with existing statutes.
The prerequisite is discriminatory or is being applied in a discriminatory fashion.
The college has not made the prerequisite course reasonably available.
The student has documented knowledge and abilities equivalent to those specified in the prerequisite course
The challenge will be reviewed by a committee consisting of the dean, or designee, department chair, or designee, and one department or division representative or designee.
If space is available in a course when a student files a challenge to the prerequisite or corequisite, the district shall reserve a seat for the student and resolve the challenge in a timely manner. If no space is available in the course when a challenge is filed, the challenge shall be resolved prior to the beginning or registration for the next term and, if the challenge is upheld, the student shall be permitted to enroll if space is available when the student registers for that subsequent term.
NOTE: Students who are challenging a course which is a requirement for a degree or certificate may wish to use the Credit by Examination process to receive credit for the challenged course.
Specific regulations and procedures: relating to course prerequisites corequisites, and advisories are on file in the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs at Santa Ana College.