CSU Application Guides
- CSU Transfer Credit Guide
Steps to Apply
Gather your materials. Here's what you'll need:
Unofficial Transcripts. You'll be asked the enter all courses you've completed, those currently in progress, and any you plan to take.
Your Social Security Number. If you have one.
Your Citizenship Status.
Credit Card or PayPal Account.
Annual Income. Your parents if you are a dependent, your income if you are independent.
CCCID and Campus Number. Required for ADT applicants from a California community college. These numbers should be printed on your transcript. To request your CCCID, you can call the California Community College’s Help Desk at 1-877-247-4836 or email them at support@openccc.net.
Parent employment background and two recommendations. Applies only if you are applying to EOP.
Click here to fill out the application.
Create an account to begin working on the application using the guides above.
For assistance, feel free to contact the University Transfer Center or attend a workshop to review your application.
Submit, then check your email and portals often!
Once you submit your application, you will receive application acknowledgement communication from each campus that you applied to. In that acknowledgement, the campus will let you know how to set up your online student portal at the campus. Be sure to check your portals and email often so that you do not miss a deadline.