Writing Workshops Schedule
Are you interested in attending one of our informative writing workshops? Please log in to the Canvas page and click on TechConfer Zoom on the left panel and find the workshop on the day and time it is offered. Click on the workshop and follow the directions to enter the Zoom session.
If there are no workshop attendees after 10 minutes, the workshop will be canceled. If you miss a workshop and can't attend the same one at a later date (most workshops repeat at least once during the semester), come to the Learning Center Front Desk Zoom link, and we can work something out.
Are there other topics you’d be interested in attending a workshop on? Please let your workshop leader know.
| Topic
| Description (Workshops are approximately 45 minutes long)
| Location
| Time
Tues 2/25
| Study Skills: Taking Notes on Textbook Reading
| We’ll share our best tips and tricks for effective studying sessions
| D-307
| 12:30 PM
Tues 2/25
| Improving Your Grammar
| We’ll show you how to improve your writing with quick lessons on parts of speech
| Online
| 5:00 PM
Wed 2 /26
| Improving Your Grammar
| We’ll show you how to improve your writing with quick lessons on parts of speech
| D-307
| 12:30 PM
Wed 2 /26 | Prewriting & Outlining Your Essay
| Learn how to set up your MLA paper for success with prewriting strategies, including brainstorming and outlining
| Online
| 2:30 PM
Thurs 2/27
| Verb Tense Consistency
| We’ll show you how to improve your writing with a quick lesson on Verb tense and why it matters
| Online
| 4:30 PM
Fri 2/28
| Prewriting & Outlining Your Essay
| Learn how to set up your MLA paper for success with prewriting strategies, including brainstorming and outlining
| Online
| 12:30 PM
Mon 3/3
| Study Skills: Preparing for Deadlines
| We’ll go over how to find important info in a syllabus and how to prepare for your big deadlines
| D-307
| 12:30 PM
Mon 3/3 | Writing a Narrative Essay | Not sure how to write about your own life? Come to this workshop! | Online | 5:30 PM
Tues 3/4
| Structuring Your Essay
| Learn how to set up your MLA paper for success with prewriting basics, including brainstorming and outlining
| D-307
| 12:30 PM
Tues 3/4
| Structuring Your Essay
| Learn how to set up your MLA paper for success with prewriting basics, including brainstorming and outlining
| Online
| 5:00 PM
Wed 3/5
| Integrating Quotations
| Not sure how to use a quote in your paper? We’ll show you!
| D-307
| 12:30 PM
Wed 3/5
| MLA Citations
| How to make a flawless Works Cited Page
| Online
| 2:30 PM
Thurs 3/6
| Writing a Narrative Essay
| Not sure how to write about your own life? Come to this workshop!
| D-307
| 4:30 PM
Fri 3/7
| Integrating Quotations
| Not sure how to use a quote in your paper? We’ll show you!
| Online
| 12:30 PM
Mon 3/10
| Introduction Paragraphs
| Learn how to make writing your intro paragraph and thesis as painless as possible
| D-307
| 12:30 PM
Mon 3/10
| Integrating Quotations
| Not sure how to use a quote in your paper? We’ll show you!
| Online
| 5:30 PM
Tues 3/11
| Study Skills: Close Reading
| Reading in college classes can be a lot! Let’s talk about how to do it well.
| D-307
| 12:30 PM
Tues 3/11
| Outlining Your Essay
| Learn how to set up your MLA paper for success with prewriting basics, including brainstorming and outlining
| Online
| 5:00 PM
Wed 3/12
| Introduction Paragraphs
| Learn how to make writing your intro paragraph and thesis as painless as possible
| D-307
| 12:30 PM
Wed 3/12
| Outlining Your Essay
| Learn how to set up your MLA paper for success with prewriting basics, including brainstorming and outlining
| Online
| 2:30 PM
Thurs 3/13
| Integrating Quotations
| Not sure how to use a quote in your paper? We’ll show you!
| Online
| 4:30 PM
Fri 3/14
| Study Skills: Close Reading
| Reading in college classes can be a lot! Let’s talk about how to do it well.
| Online
| 12:30 PM