SAC Engineering Programs
SAC Engineering offers multiple Engineering programs and pathways that prepare students for a variety of engineering-related employment. Our programs focus on the major fields of engineering: civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering fields. However, the engineering transfer program is applicable to many other engineering fields as well (aerospace, environmental, biomedical, industrial, and many others). See the catalog for the required courses for these programs.
Duties: design, project management, oversee all areas of design, production/construction mostly work in the office
Degree required: BS from a university (but students can start at SAC and transfer)
SAC programs:
1. Engineering Associate Degree (degree)
2. Engineering STEM Core (certificate)

Duties: fabricate prototypes, conduct testing, gather data, work in the lab
Degree required: Engineering Technology associate degree or certificate
SAC Programs: SAC has civil and mechanical engineering technology programs (the mechanical one focuses on mechatronics).
1. Engineering Mechatronics technology (degree & certificate)
2. Engineering Civil Technology (degree & certificate)

Duties: create technical drawings using CAD software
Degree required: CAD or Drafting Technology associate degree or certificate
SAC Programs: SAC has civil and mechanical CAD/drafting technology programs
1. Engineering CAD Drafting (degree or cert)
2. Engineering Mechanical Drafting/Design (degree or cert)
3. Engineering Civil Drafting/Design (degree or cert)
4. Engineering Mechanical 3D Solid Modeling (cert only)
5. Engineering AutoCAD 2D Basics (cert only)