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3/8/2020 3:41 PMClark, Stephanie
05-07-21 BP DOCKET.pdf
5/8/2021 2:19 PMClark, Stephanie
11262019_Program Review committee 2020 goals.pptx
11/26/2019 12:51 PMClark, Stephanie
2_17_21_NOVA_Guided Pathways_20-21.pdf
2/23/2021 4:37 PMClark, Stephanie
2019 FA_FTES Report Dual Enrollment.docx
12/10/2019 12:48 PMClark, Stephanie
11/11/2019 1:13 PMClark, Stephanie
2020 Fall Starfish Presentation for Faculty.pptx
11/10/2020 2:01 PMClark, Stephanie
5_28_2019_AS Minutes_APPROVED.pdf
9/12/2019 10:03 PMClark, Stephanie
AA Chairs Update.odt
3/8/2020 3:35 PMClark, Stephanie
Academic Senate Demands.pdf
11/21/2020 12:41 PMClark, Stephanie
9/29/2020 9:15 PMClark, Stephanie
Anti-Racism Resolution.odt
9/5/2020 1:31 PMClark, Stephanie
AR 3570 Smoking and Tobacco Use in District Facilities and Vehicles (1).pdf
11/11/2019 1:11 PMClark, Stephanie
AR 4110 Honorary and Poshumous Degrees.PDF
9/12/2019 1:27 PMClark, Stephanie
AR 4232 Pass-No Pass.pdf
5/23/2021 1:38 PMClark, Stephanie
AR 5220  Shower Access for Homeless Students.docx
10/6/2019 2:40 PMClark, Stephanie
AS Budget Priorities.odp
2/5/2020 6:53 PMClark, Stephanie
AS pres 11aug2020.odp
8/11/2020 12:54 PMClark, Stephanie
AS Pres Report 8dec2020.pptx
12/8/2020 1:22 PMClark, Stephanie
AS Priotities.odt
3/8/2020 3:35 PMClark, Stephanie
AS report 11-24-20 final.pdf
11/24/2020 3:21 PMClark, Stephanie
AS Senator Roster 20-21.pdf
7/11/2020 11:15 AMClark, Stephanie
AS Student Engagement Panel.pdf
2/19/2021 5:15 PMClark, Stephanie
AS Top Priorities Spring 2020.odp
3/2/2020 2:24 PMClark, Stephanie
8/19/2020 4:20 PMClark, Stephanie
5/12/2020 1:12 PMClark, Stephanie
Block Schedule, 03292021.xlsx
4/4/2021 9:17 AMClark, Stephanie
Bond Project Presentation.pptx
10/6/2019 2:41 PMClark, Stephanie
11/11/2019 1:10 PMClark, Stephanie
BP 3570 Smoking on Campus.pdf
11/11/2019 1:12 PMClark, Stephanie
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