A student is eligible for financial aid up to a maximum number of semesters or units completed. This maximum time frame or 'unit cap' is based on the student's educational objective and is defined as follows:
AA/AS Degree or Transfer Program
Students are eligible for six full-time semesters (or the equivalent) or 90 attempted units, whichever occurs first.
Vocational Certificate
Students are eligible for three full-time semesters (or the equivalent) or 45 units attempted, whichever occurs first.
All students who have attempted 90 units or six full-time semesters will automatically be terminated from financial aid eligibility unless financial aid eligibility is reinstated through the Appeal Process. Students pursuing a Certificate program only will be disqualified once they have achieved 45 units.
Students who have exceeded the unit cap may have up to thirty (30) units of remedial course work excluded from their unit total. However, in order to obtain this unit adjustment, the Appeals Process must be completed so that these remedial courses can be identified. A student cannot receive financial aid for more than thirty units of remedial course work taken towards their goal. Remedial course work is defined as those classes that prepare a student for college course work. They are not transferable and cannot be used as credit in a degree or certificate program.
Courses in English as a Second Language must be part of a student's academic plan leading to a certificate, degree or transfer. Students who are required to complete ESL courses in order to achieve their goal may exceed the maximum time frame with the approval of the Financial Aid Appeal Committee.