About CARE
CARE (Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education) is a program designed to assist single parents who are recipients of CalWORKs/TANF and are EOPS eligible. CARE provides the extra help that a student who is also a single parent may need to achieve his or her academic and career goals. Upon successful completion of their educational goal, the expected outcome is that the CARE student will no longer need public assistance.
Every CARE student is an EOPS student; therefore, the student must meet both EOPS and CARE program eligibility guidelines. All CARE students are expected to comply fully with the EOPS Mutual Responsibility Contract in order to remain eligible for continued participation in EOPS/CARE.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for CARE you must:
- Be eligible for EOPS Program participation
- Be at least 18 years old
- Be a single head-of-household parent and current recipient of CalWORKs/TANF cash aid for themselves or dependent child(ren)
As a CARE student, you will receive:
- Priority registration
- Academic counseling
- Semester workshops, seminars and special events
- Referrals to campus and community resources
- Other benefits may include school supply cards, self-enrichment grant and meal vouchers