Office Phone: |
(714) 564-6819 |
E-mail: |
Angela Tran |
Office Location: |
VL-203 |
Service Hours: |
Alternate Media Requests Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Assistive Technology Support Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
DSPS at Santa Ana College provides the following alternative media to qualified students. A minimum of two weeks notice is required for the DSPS office to provide accommodations. [Note: This time frame is subject to change under special circumstances.]
Audio Books
SAC utilizes Learning Ally (formally RFB&D) to acquire audio textbooks on CD for eligible students. If the book is not available through Learning Ally, the book can be scanned and converted to an MP3 format.
Braille is a tactile code specifically for the visually impaired. Students requiring course materials converted into Braille should contact the DSPS office immediately.
Electronic text versions of college materials
Schedule of classes, course catalog, course syllabi, exams and/or quizzes, handouts and other required course materials can be provided to qualified students with disabilities upon request. Please contact the DSPS office for eligibility requirements.
Electronic Text (E-text)
E-text is the print version of material in an electronic format. The E-text can be used by a screen reader program on a computer. If e-text is requested for a required textbook, the e-text will be requested from the publisher. If the publisher does not possess the e-text for the textbook, the spine of the textbook will be removed and the textbook will be scanned by the Alternate Media Specialist.
Large Print
Large print text is oversized print (16 font to 36 font) intended for use by the visually impaired. Students requiring large print materials are required to submit copies of requested materials & request for alternate material form to the Alternate Media Specialist for enlargement production.
Tactile Graphics
Tactile graphics are used to provide a visually impaired students with access to most types of graphs, charts, or diagrams. Students requiring materials in a tactile graphic format are required to submit copies of materials & submit a request for alternate material form to the Alternate Media office for production.
Video Closed Captioning
Captioning is used to provide deaf or hard of hearing students access to media that are shown in the classroom (Refer to Faculty Resources on DSPS page).
How Do I Request Alternative Media Services?
DSPS students who would like to request alternative media need to:
- Discuss alternative media services with DSPS faculty.
- Read and sign Service Contract and Alternative format request
- Schedule appointment with Alternate Media Specialist:
Be prepared to provide the following documentation at appointment with the Alternate Media Specialist:
• A copy of your current class schedule
• A complete list of the required textbooks for each class
• A receipt or other proof of purchase for each text requested