1. Each student should review the nature of the physical ability test with his/her private physician in case there is any reason that the test is not medically appropriate for the student. A complete description of the ability has been provided for this purpose.
2. Students should be physically and mentally rested prior to the evaluation.
3. Students should report any recent or current illness and should not participate if they have a fever.
4. Students should refrain from alcohol and tobacco for 24 hours prior to the test day.
5. If a student is taking a doctor prescribed medication or an over-the-counter drug, the student should consult their physician to determine if the drug will adversely affect their ability to safely participate in strenuous physical activity.
6. The use of “recreational” drugs can have a very negative effect on both performance and health and is prohibited.
7. Students should consume plenty of fluids on the day before and the day of the ability test. Water and sport drinks are referred. Avoid caffeine beverages such as coffee, cola and tea.
8. Fasting before the physical ability test is not advised. See nutritional guidelines.