Associate of Arts Degree
The associate degree curriculum in modern languages is designed to meet the needs of both the student who wishes to transfer to a four-year institution and the student who wishes to achieve basic conversational ability in the language. Completion of the associate of arts degree prepares students to move into a curriculum at a four-year institution leading to a baccalaureate degree and then to possible careers requiring modern languages proficiency.
Note: Presently, the associate degree is offered in French and Spanish. The degree requires 26 units, which includes a minimum of 13 units in the major language with completion of both courses numbered 201 and 202.
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:
Develop all levels of proficiency in comprehending, speaking, reading, and writing in the current modern language classes while developing an understanding of the literary and cultural context of each language.
Required Courses (in Spanish)
Spanish 101 or 101H (Honors) Elementary Spanish I (5 Units)
Spanish 102 or 102H (Honors) Elementary Spanish II (5 Units)
Spanish 201 or 201H (honors) – Intermediate Spanish I (5 Units)
Spanish 202 or 202H (Honors) – Intermediate Spanish II (5 Units)
Spanish 195A/195B - Advanced Spanish Conversation (3 Units)
Spanish 212 - College Business Spanish (3 Units)
Spanish 213 - College Spanish Composition (3 units)
OR - Required Courses (in French):
French 101 (5 units)
French 102 (5 units)
French 201 or 201H (5 units)
French 202 or 202H (5 units)
French 211 (3 units), or French 214 (3 units)
Ten units in another language other than the major:
Spanish 101 or 101H, 102 or 102H/French 101, 102 (5 units each)
Japanese 101, 102/ Vietnamese 101*, 102* (5 units each)
Chinese 101, 102
Plus three units (3) of electives from the following:
Spanish 195A, 195B, 213; A third language; History 101 or 101H, 102 or 102H, 124 or 124H, 150 or 151 (Latin America); Anthropology 100 or 100H, 104 or 104H; Art 101, 102, 103, 104, 105; Business Applications 052, 053, 054; Dance 112; English 104 or 104H, 271, 272; Geography 100 or 100H, 101; Library Technology 102; Music 101 or 101H;
*NOTE: Vietnamese 101 and 102 may not transfer to a bachelor's degree.