(Santa Ana, Calif.) – The Two-Year Sports Information Directors of America (2YSIDA) named Santa Ana College's (SAC) Sports Information Coordinator Cammie Lewis as the Sports Information Director for the month of June. Individuals for this distinguished award are chosen by peers for their hard work and dedication to the promotion of the student-athletes at their respective college.
Cammie Lewis (pictured left) alongside Athletics Director Mary Hegarty
“Receiving this award was a great honor and truly a team effort from top to bottom," said Cammie Lewis. “Our college administration team has been very supportive of our media efforts all year, and I'm glad that the sports information team has been able to contribute to our programs at a high level."
2YSIDA is a part of College Sports Communicators (CSC), which was founded in 1957. CSC is a 3,200+ member national association for strategic, creative and digital communicators across intercollegiate athletics in the United States and Canada. CSC's primary mission is to have workers in the sports information field to:
Assist communications and public relations professionals at all collegiate levels with professional development and continuing education, helping its members deal in a strategic and effective manner with the various issues, challenges and opportunities that exist within the fast-paced and ever-changing collegiate communications environment.
Play a significant leadership and resource role within the overall collegiate athletics enterprise, thus helping other management groups and their respective memberships deal with the set of communications-based issues that is the most complex and challenging in history.
Cammie Lewis (pictured right) celebrating after Santa Ana College Baseball won the 2023 State Championship
Cammie Lewis has served as SAC's sports information coordinator since 2017 where he takes on a wide range of responsibilities that include writing press releases, maintaining the SACDONS.com website, recording in-game statistics, creating social media and promotional content for athletic events, and publishing gameday programs.
About Santa Ana College:
Santa Ana College (SAC), which turned 100 years old in 2015, serves about 54,696 students yearly. At SAC, students can work toward completing an associate degree, university transfer, career/workforce training or a bachelor's degree in occupational studies. As part of Santa Ana College, the School of Continuing Education located at Centennial Education Center offers FREE classes throughout the community for adults of all ages and academic backgrounds. Santa Ana College is an award-winning college and was recently ranked as one of the nation's top two-year colleges awarding associate degrees to Latino and Asian students and named one of the best community colleges in California by Intelligent.com. The college is also recognized throughout the state for its comprehensive workforce training programs for nurses, firefighters, law enforcement and medical personnel. Santa Ana College is one of two comprehensive colleges under the auspices of the Rancho Santiago Community College District.