Cyber Center Opens in February at Santa Ana College
WHO: Santa Ana College (SAC), Business Division to open Cyber Center to provide cutting edge technology and training for students seeking careers in Information Technology.
WHAT: The Cyber Center was developed to give students hands-on training to enter careers in Information Technology (e.g., Cyber Security, Networking, Data Analytics, Programming, etc.). Jobs in this area are currently in high-demand with a 33% job outlook growth through 2030, which is much faster than average according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Cyber Center will allow Santa Ana College to provide cutting edge technology to students while supporting the employment needs in our community – salary for careers in this area ranges from $55,000 to well over $100,000 annually, depending on education. The center is a collaborative workspace, which was created through partnerships with the Orange County Community Foundation, Hope Builders, and High School Inc.
Santa Ana College has programs to help bridge the employment gap in the Information Technology field, programs of study include:
Computer Information Systems: IT Support Specialist, IT Network Security, Desktop and Server Operations, Database and Data Analytics, and Cloud Computing; and in
Computer Science: Computer Programming
Thursday, February 24, 2022 at 1:30 p.m.
Santa Ana College
1530 W. 17th Street
Santa Ana, CA 92706
HOW: To attend the grand opening, please contact the Business Office – this event is FREE and open to the public. The Spring 2022 semester started early-February and Late Start classes begin April 11, 2022. To enroll, please visit sac.edu.
For more information about the Cyber Center, contact the Business Office over the phone at (714) 564-6750 or by visiting sac.edu/it. For more information about the college or other programs, please visit sac.edu or call Dalilah Davaloz, interim public information officer at (714) 564-5527 or via email at Davaloz_Dalilah@sac.edu. Follow us on social media: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
About Santa Ana College
Santa Ana College (SAC), which turned 100 years old in 2015, serves about 18,000 students each semester. The college prepares students for transfer to four-year institutions and provides invaluable workforce training for business and industry. In addition, another 11,000 students are served through the college's School of Continuing Education located at Centennial Education Center. Ranked as one of the nation's top two-year colleges awarding associate degrees to Latino and Asian students, the college is also recognized throughout the state for its comprehensive workforce training programs for nurses, firefighters, law enforcement and medical personnel. SAC is one of two comprehensive colleges under the auspices of the Rancho Santiago Community College District.
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