SAC Foundation's Fundraising Campaign Wins Bronze Award from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education
(Santa Ana, Calif.) – The Santa Ana College Foundation received a prestigious, international award from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) for its fundraising campaign featuring the President's Circle Giving Group.
The 2022 Circle of Excellence award is CASE's premier recognition program for the educational advancement sector, which often includes an educational institution's alumni relations, development services, communications, fundraising, government relations, and marketing. In 2022, CASE received more than 4,500 entries from 636 institutions in nearly 30 countries. Of those, volunteer judges selected 626 exemplary entries for bronze, silver, gold, or Grand Gold recognition.
Ken Purcell, SAC Foundation Chairman, Dr. Annebelle Nery, SAC President, Christina R. Romero, Foundation Executive Director, and Steven Craig, Prominent SAC Alumni/SAC President's Circle Member at the Newport Beach Country Club for the Spring 2022 President's Circle Event.
"We are deeply honored to receive this prestigious award from CASE," said Christina Romero, executive director of SAC's Office of College Advancement and the Santa Ana College Foundation. “I am proud of our creative team, board of directors, and advancement staff for the work they do to increase support for our students at SAC. The Office of College Advancement is charged with emphasizing, communicating, and championing the mission and brand of the college, all in the spirit of building more resources for our students. This award affirms this work."
The SAC Foundation's winning entry under the fundraising category featured campaign marketing materials for its annual campaign for the President's Circle, an elite group of givers who offer gifts of more than $1,000. The President's Circle is currently made up of about 85 donors and plays a crucial role in advancing the college's dedication to scholarships, achievement in higher education and community service, generating more than $100,000 every year for SAC's students and programming. Since its inception in 2007, the President's Circle has generated over one million dollars in support for students.
“I'm extremely proud of our Office of College Advancement for receiving this prestigious recognition from CASE," said Santa Ana College President Dr. Annebelle Nery. “This award recognizes the important work of our Advancement team in building relationships with our alumni, loyal donors, and friends. It also increases the Foundation's impact on the lives of our students and in the work of creating a caring, dynamic, and productive learning environment."
The awards, the premier recognition program for educational advancement, are peer-selected and adjudicated, honoring institutions worldwide whose talented staff have advanced their organizations through their resourcefulness and ingenuity. Winners are selected based on several factors, including overall quality, innovation, use of resources, and the impact on the institution or its external and internal communities, such as alumni, parents, students, faculty, and staff.
“Our CASE Circle of Excellence Awards celebrate the creative, resourceful, and innovative ways advancement professionals around the globe champion their institutions' success" said CASE President and Chief Executive Officer Sue Cunningham. “Advancement has never been more important to support and strengthen education.
Click here to see Santa Ana College's winning submission. To see a complete list of winners, visit case.org/circle.
For more information on how to become a member of the President's Circle or to give to the Santa Ana College Foundation, visit sac.edu/foundation and rtgcampaign.org.
About Santa Ana College
Santa Ana College (SAC), which turned 100 years old in 2015, serves about 18,000 students each semester. The college prepares students for transfer to four-year institutions and provides workforce training for business and industry. In addition, another 11,000 students are served through the college's School of Continuing Education located at Centennial Education Center. Ranked as one of the nation's top, two-year colleges awarding associate degrees to Latino and Asian students, the college is also recognized throughout the state for its comprehensive workforce training programs for nurses, firefighters, law enforcement and medical personnel. SAC is one of two comprehensive colleges under the auspices of the Rancho Santiago Community College District.
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