Learn to fly drones for recreation (fun) or a career!
Santa Ana College offers several drone training courses including how to get started with drones, FAA rules and regulations, FAA drone license exam prep, public safety, cinematography, drones for mapping, manufacturing, and repair drones.
Drones Provided in Classes
All drone flying courses provide drones in classes. You do not need to buy a drone to take a class.
Drone Training Classes at SAC
Where To Start - Introduction to Drones
Not sure if you want to fly drones? Not sure if you want to buy a drone? We are here to help you!
Start by taking the BA 158 Introduction to Drones class for fun or for your resume. Drones are provided in class!
Add a Drone Certificate to Your Resume
Take a few drone classes to earn the
SAC BA Drone Technology Certificate of Achievement which looks great on your resume and it provides a great talking point in job interviews to help you stand out in today's competitive workplace.
View Drone Technology Certificate brochure for details.

Increase in Careers Requiring Drone Skills
The use of drones is an expanding area of growth in many different careers and industries including agriculture, cinematography, construction, engineering, inspections, insurance, mapping, manufacturing, media, photography, public safety, real estate, sports, surveying, utilities, and many more.
Learn more about careers and industries using drones.
SAC Faculty Lead for Drones
Contact for any questions about SAC drone courses and programs:
Dori Dumon, Drone Pilot
Assoc. Professor Business Apps & Technology Dept.
Contact Career Education Business Counselors
714-564-6254 or Live Chat on Counselors Web Page
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- Learn about financial aid and support services
Information and brochure provided on this page are based on Catalog 2021-22. Previous catalogs are listed on the SAC College Catalogs web page.