Equity-Mindedness: Legislation Related to Student Equity and Success
AB 1809 (2017-18): Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Program
The Student Equity and Achievement Program was established in Education Code (EC) 78222 with the intent of supporting Guided Pathways and the system wide goal to eliminate achievement gaps. As a condition of receiving funds, a district shall comply with the following: maintain an equity plan per EC 78220; provide matriculation services per EC 78212; adopt placement policies per EC 78213 (AB 705} and provide all students with an educational plan.
Chapter 33, Currently and formerly incarcerated Students Reentry Program: One-time funding of $5,000,000 to establish or support programs serving formerly incarcerated students enrolled in community college, or providing face-to-face instruction to community college students in prison or jail.
AB 504 (2017-18): Measuring Equity Gaps
This bill requires colleges to use the percentage point gap methodology for measuring and reporting local equity gaps. This will help create consistency in programs and develop a common language around equity gaps.
AB 1018 (2017-18): Student Equity Target Populations
This bill adds homeless, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) students to the group of students required to be addressed in Student Equity plans. This bill is supported by the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges.
AB 705 (2017-18): Changes in Matriculation & Assessment
This bill requires a community college district (CCD) to maximize the probability that a student will enter and complete coursework in Mathematics and English within a one-year time frame by utilizing multiple measures.
AB 19 (2017-18): The California College Promise
This bill establishes the California College Promise, which shall waive fees for one academic year for first-time students who are enrolled in 12 or more semester units. Students must submit either a Free Application for Federal Student Aid or a California Dream Act application.
AB 2 (2019-20): Enhancement to the California College Promise
This bill would authorize a community college to use California College Promise funding to waive fees for two academic years for full-time students taking at least 12 units per semester. A student enrolled in fewer than 12 units may be deemed “full time" at the discretion of the institution, if the student has been certified as “full time" by a staff person in the disabled student services program at the institution who is qualified to make such a designation. As with AB 19, students must submit either a Free Application for Federal Student Aid or a California Dream Act application.
AB 302 (2019-20): Enhancement to the California College Promise
This bill, until December 31, 2022, would require a community college campus that has parking facilities on campus to grant overnight access to those facilities, on or before April 1, 2020, to any homeless student who is enrolled in coursework, has paid any enrollment fees that have not been waived, and is in good standing with the community college, for the purpose of sleeping in the student's vehicle overnight. The bill would require the governing board of the community college district to determine a plan of action to implement this requirement, as specified.
Resources and Partnerships
Dons' Corner is available to all Santa Ana College students, credit and noncredit. Participants provide their name and address and will select options that include fruits, canned goods, snacks, as well as non-perishable items for free.
For more information, contact SAC's Student Life at 714-564-6208.
Digital Dons is a program designed to meet students' technology needs and achieve more equitable course completion. Through this program, eligible students may borrow a laptop and keep it for the entire term. We are now offering part-time students to borrow through our program; limited quantity is available.

Legal Resource Links
General LGBTQIA+ Resources
For Faculty & Classified Staff

Professional Development Mission: Santa Ana College collaboratively fosters and supports student success and equity through professional development activities.
Click on the Professional Development link to get the most accurate calendar of trainings and events.
California Community Colleges Vision for Success

Creating Gender Inclusive Spaces Power Point at SAC Link
Inclusive Resources