To be eligible for Guardian Scholars, the student must meet all of the following criteria:
Have been in the system anytime between the 13th and 19th birthdays.
Currently between the ages of 16 and 26.
Have "Ward of the Court" letter or other proof of foster care status.
How do I join Guardian Scholars & YESS?
If you believe you are Guardian Scholars and/or YESS eligible, please contact our office for further assistance and an application.
Guardian Scholars: (714) 564-6302
Why Join The Guardian Scholars Program?
The Guardian Scholars program helps students meet their academic goals and provide an easier adjustment into college life through the following services:
Academic support workshops
Specialized counseling services
Career guidance
Financial aid information/assistance
Independent Living Programs (ILP)/Workshops
Priority registration
Study skills & Tutoring Services
Transfer Assistance
Meal Vouchers