The Honors Transfer Program at Santa Ana College is designed for students who want to challenge themselves with enriched courses. The program offers honors versions of general education classes, small class sizes, close faculty interaction, and special projects.
Benefits of Joining the Honors Program:
Transfer Opportunities: Priority or guaranteed admission to some four-year colleges, based on GPA.
Recognition: Your transcript will show honors program completion, and you may qualify as a President’s Scholar.
Scholarships & Support: You may be eligible for scholarships and receive guidance from a counselor who specializes in honors transfer requirements.
Library Access: Some transfer schools offer library privileges to honors students.
Requirements to Join:
GPA: A minimum 3.0 GPA (either in high school or in 6 transferable college units).
Application: Submit an application with 2 academic references.
Honor Courses: You can take honors courses even if you're not in the program, as long as you meet the GPA and prerequisites. All honors courses must be taken for a letter grade (no P/NP).
Important Notes:
Honors courses are enriched, not harder, and may include creative assignments or projects.
Once you've passed a regular course (e.g., English 101), you cannot retake the honors version (e.g., English 101H) just to earn honors credit. If you didn’t pass the honors version, you can retake the non-honors course to improve your grade.
Honors Transfer Program members who are enrolled in the HTP and who have gone through an Honors Orientation may also earn up to 12 units and no more than three contracts through honors project contracts. Contracts will earn honors credit only when both the work for the contract and the regular coursework in the UC-transferable course tied to the contract have been completed and have earned an average grade of “B” or better. Contracts require the approval of the instructor of record for the course, the area division dean, and the HTP Coordinator. In the case of the STEM Honors Contract Addendum, more documentation will be required depending upon the activities involved. More information is available at the offices of the HTP and MESA Coordinators. Contract forms are available at the HTP Coordinator’s office. For more information, contact the Honors Transfer Program Coordinator, Christina Axtell (axtell_christina@sac.edu) at Santa Ana College.