Hello current, prospective and past students of Santa Ana College!

My name is Kristen Guzmán. I've been a full-time history professor at Santa Ana College since the fall of 2006. I began teaching at Millikan High School in Long Beach through Teach For America in 1992!. I love teaching history. I think I often learn more from the students enrolled in my classes than they learn from me. Learning, curiosity, asking critical questions, digging through primary sources to find out about the past - I love it! I hope my enthusiasm will be infectious.
I've also published a book on the history of Self-Help Graphics & Art in East L.A. that has been around for over 50 years! Started by a group of folks who were outsiders, artists,
radicals, and friends...They saw a problem in the art world of L.A. (keeping Chicanx artists out of established galleries due to racism), and they came together to create a solution - a radical art space for East L.A. built by themselves. OG DIY project! Read my work about this historic space in Self Help Graphics & Art: Art in the Heart of East L.A.
Finally, I've been through some serious ups and downs in life...being broke when I was in college, facing chronic illness and cancer (I'm now a SURVIVOR!), dealing with just the stuff that life can throw at you. What have I learned from all that? I"M STILL HERE! And so are you! RIGHT ON!
I hope to get to know you, help elevate your strengths, help you problem solve your struggles, and make you say, "I LOVE the study of history!"
"See you" online and in class. ONWARD!
Kristen (Dr. G)