Guided Pathways Glossary
AB 705: Effective January 1, 2018, state legislation requiring California Community Colleges to maximize the probability that a student will enter and complete transfer-level coursework in English and math within a one year timeframe and use, in the placement of students into English and math courses, one or more of the following: high school coursework, high school grades, and high school grade point average.
Co-curricular Activities: Recommended activities in which students should be engaged to assist in their academic and career goals. These activities should be included in the program map for each certificate or degree. Examples of co-curricular activities include seeing a counselor, petitioning for graduation, joining a club, seeking internships, etc.
Cohort: Students grouped together by meta-major or other grouping such as athletics for data collection, analysis, and big-picture decision-making about pathways development.
Student Success Team: A cross-functional team of faculty, staff, and administrators responsible for oversight and engagement of a particular group of students during a period of time. The individuals in the group have at least one statistical factor, such as meta-major or program, in common.
Core Team: Cross-functional team made up of approximately 10 members. Core team meets regularly (twice a month is recommended) to discuss the progress of Guided Pathways, troubleshoot areas of concern, determine Guided Pathways expenditures, and overall planning of Guided Pathways activities.
Cross-functional: An approach to college planning that includes input from administrators, content faculty, counselors, classified staff, and students.
Faculty Coordinator: Full-time faculty member designated by the administration to lead the Guided Pathways effort. Faculty coordinator convenes bi-monthly Core Team and monthly Steering Committee meetings. Faculty coordinator reports directly to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Guided Pathways Model: An institution-wide approach to student success based on intentionally designed, clear, coherent, and structured educational experiences, informed by available evidence, that guide each student effectively and efficiently from his/her point of entry through to attainment of high-quality postsecondary credentials and careers with value in the labor market.
Guided Pathways: An umbrella term used to describe highly structured student experiences that guide them on the pathway to completion of a degree or certificate.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): A set of metrics designed to measure students' progress through milestones on his or her pathway. KPIs will be used to monitor the effectiveness of the Guided Pathways initiative.
Meta-Major: A collection of academic programs that have common or related content. Programs within a meta-major will share some common requirements to allow for early exploration as students may enroll in this broad field of interest without collecting excess units. Also known as academic clusters, academies, schools, colleges, interest areas, career clusters.
Milestones: Measurable educational achievements, such as completing a college-level math course or number of units within a defined period of time.
Multi-Year Plan: Document prepared by the Core Team and submitted to the State Chancellor's Office as a requirement for Guided Pathways funding. The plan includes tasks to be completed over the first 18 months of implementation, through summer 2019.
Multiple Measures: Utilizing multiple methods of assessment to determine placement into transfer-level math and English courses for incoming college students (see AB 705 above).
Online Educational Plan: Fully accessible educational plan created by a counselor for a student, based on his or her intended major of study and educational goals. The educational plan aligns appropriate and timely coursework in a sequential manner. Intended transfer institution is also considered to ensure the student is taking appropriate courses.
Program Maps: A descriptive and easy-to-use plan detailing the scope and sequence of courses required to complete a certificate or program and transition to baccalaureate degree programs or the labor market. Includes the route a student takes to connect with, enter, progress through, and complete his or her program of study, as well as, the skills they need to acquire for the labor market they will enter after their certificate or associate, baccalaureate degree, or graduate degree.
Program: A set of courses and related activities that lead to an attainment of educational objectives such as a certificate or an associate's degree; often referred to as a major of study.
Steering Committee: Cross-functional workgroup which meets on a monthly basis to guide the overall Guided Pathways activities on the campus.