Interested in a Fashion Career?
Please go to Self-Service for the current list of available classes.
For more information or if you have a question, please call the Office of Admissions and Records at (714) 564-6005.
Application: Students enrolling for the first time or who are returning after not attending the previous semester must complete an Admission application by applying online at www.sac.edu.
Class load: A full-time student with fifteen units / about five classes per semester can complete an A.A. Degree (about 60 units) in two years. Many of our student are part-time students taking one or more classes during the day or evening.
Cost: 46 dollars per unit (most classes are 2-3 units per class plus textbooks, supplies, parking & health and student body fees). For more information, please visit: http://new.sac.edu/StudentServices/FinancialAid/Pages/FAQ_Cost-to-attend.aspx
Certificates: Completion of the required classes (elective classes are not required only suggested) of your selected program. You can complete as many certificates as desired.
A.A. Degree: Completion of the required program classes with completion of required General Education classes (see college catalog) can be taken before, after or with your certificate classes.
Transfer: Class # 100 and above are transferable.
Jobs Are Available: Fashion industry is the largest employer in the U.S., Second only to U.S. Government. Southern California is the sportswear Design Center for the world. Orange County has the most concentrated retail apparel sales for California.
Fashion Design
Apparel Design
Fashion Illustration
Independent Designer
Theatre Costuming
Buyer / Merchandisers
Retail Management
Display / Visual Merchandising
Fashion Forecasting
Sales Representatives
Product Development and Technical Design
Product Developer
Production Management
Technical Design
Pattern Making
For more information or additional questions please call, Kyla Benson, FDM Department Chair
Program Information: (714) 564-6800
Registration Information: (714) 564-6005
Counseling/Financial Aid: (714) 564-6100
Child Care Center: (714) 564-6890