Diesel-Electric Transportation Technology (DETT) Courses
DETT 115
Heavy Duty Mobile Hydraulics
Unit(s): 5.0 Class Hours: 72 Lecture, 72 Laboratory total.
This course presents the operation and service procedures for hydraulic devices found on heavy-duty diesel equipment and trucks. Hands-on procedures are emphasized. Student must furnish approved safety glasses.
DETT 121
Diesel Engines
Unit(s): 4.5 Class Hours: 54 Lecture, 81 Laboratory total.
Service, repair, rebuilding, diagnosing, operation, function, and features of diesel engines. Hands-on procedures and safety emphasized. Student must furnish approved safety glasses. Field trips may be required.
DETT 131
Drive Train Service
Unit(s): 4.5 Class Hours: 54 Lecture, 81 Laboratory total.
This course covers the drive train systems used on medium and heavy duty trucks. Primary focus includes the manual transmission, clutch, and rear axle systems. Correct service procedures and diagnosis of these systems are emphasized as required on modern medium and heavy duty vehicles. Field trips may be required.
DETT 132
Alternative Fuels, Diesel, Emissions, and Zero Emissions Systems
Unit(s): 5.0 Class Hours: 72 Lecture, 72 Laboratory total.
Theory, testing, and service of mechanical and electronic diesel. CNG and Alternative fuel systems Engine diagnosis techniques on current production medium and heavy-duty diesel and CNG engines. Diesel emissions will also be covered. Zero emissions- electric trucks- theory of operation will be covered. Hands-on procedures and safety are emphasized. Students must furnish approved safety glasses.
DETT 141
Unit(s): 4.5 Class Hours: 54 Lecture, 81 Laboratory total.
This course covers the air and hydraulic brake systems used on modern medium and heavy duty trucks. Emphasis is placed upon utilizing the correct service and diagnostic procedures as required by the medium/heavy duty trucking industry. Field trips may be required.
DETT 151
Suspension and Steering
Unit(s): 4.5 Class Hours: 54 Lecture, 81 Laboratory total.
This course covers the suspension and steering systems used on medium and heavy duty trucks. Primary focus includes frame, 5th wheel diagnosis and repair, wheel alignment, wheels, tires, hubs, and steering diagnosis. Correct service procedures and diagnosis of these systems are emphasized as required on modern medium and heavy duty vehicles. Field trips may be required.
DETT 161
Electrical/Electronic Systems
Unit(s): 5.0 Class Hours: 72 Lecture, 72 Laboratory total.
Introduction to the basic operating principles of electrical and electronic devices used in modern vehicles.Hands-on digital multimeter testing is highlighted.Safe and correct use of tools and equipment by students will be emphasized.Students must furnish approved safety glasses.(Same as Auto 122).CSU
DETT 168
Electronics and Network Systems
Unit(s): 2.5 Class Hours: 27 Lecture, 54 Laboratory total.
Introduction to the basic operating principles of electronic devices used in modern medium and heavy duty vehicles. Network communication systems are also covered. Safe and correct use of tools and equipment by students will be emphasized. Students must furnish approved safety glasses.
DETT 165
Transport Refrigeration
Unit(s): 5.0 Class Hours: 72 Lecture, 72 Laboratory total.
Theory and operation of truck and trailer refrigeration, electrical, and microprocessor control systems used on current production Carrier and Thermo King units.Service, repair, and troubleshooting procedures used in industry will be covered.Hands-on procedures and safety are emphasized.CSU
DETT 171
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
Unit(s): 3.5 Class Hours: 45 Lecture, 54 Laboratory total.
Operation, testing, and servicing of truck cab air conditioning and heating systems as well as auxiliary power units. Safety, refrigerant recovery, special equipment, and controls will be covered. Applied air conditioning theory will also be covered. The EPA 609 certification is a segment of this course. This course helps prepare students for the T7 ASE certification exam. Field trips may be required.
DETT 181
Introduction to Preventative Maintenance Inspection
Unit(s): 5.0 Class Hours: 72 Lecture, 72 Laboratory total.
This course provides the student with basic knowledge and skills in medium and heavy duty truck maintenance. Safety, inspections, and hands-on practice are emphasized. This course helps students prepare for the T8 ASE exam.
DETT 201
Introduction to Transit Systems
Unit(s): 0.3 Class Hours: 6 Lecture total.
Prerequisite: Approved safety equipment is required for live shop instructor demonstrations on running transit buses.
This course will introduce students the bus transit systems, including tools, components, location of components, safety, regulations, and procedures. This course is meant for students working in a transit field as an entry-level technician.
DETT 202
Transit Preventative Maintenance
Unit(s): 0.5 Class Hours: 12 Lecture total.
Prerequisite: DSL 201 with a minimum grade of C.
This course provides students with an overview of the Certified Maintenance courses CERT1 through CERT10. Covers the ground rules and expectations of the program. Transit bus vehicle and shop safety training is highlighted. This safety training is required for participation in all CERT1 though CERT10 courses. Familiarizes students with the proper and safe use of hand tools and equipment. Includes an overview of the functions and procedures for preventive maintenance on current transit buses.
DETT 203
Transit Vehicle Electrical Systems
Unit(s): 2.0 Class Hours: 36 Lecture total.
Prerequisite: Diesel 201 with a minimum grade of C.
This course covers the functions and components of the electrical systems on current transit buses. Principles of electricity and safety are highlighted. An overview of troubleshooting techniques for both conventional and computer controlled buses are emphasized. This is the Certified Maintenance course CERT3.
DETT 205
Transit Vehicle Air Brake Systems
Unit(s): 1.0 Class Hours: 24 Lecture total.
Prerequisite: Diesel 201 with a minimum grade of C.
This course introduces the students to the operation of air brake systems found on current transit buses. Diagnosis, service, and repair procedures are emphasized. Principles of air supply and safety are also included. An overview of troubleshooting techniques for both conventional and computer controlled buses will be discussed. This is Certified Maintenance course CERT5.
DETT 206
Transit Vehicle Automatic Transmissions
Unit(s): 1.0 Class Hours: 24 Lecture total.
Prerequisite: Diesel 201 with a minimum grade of C.
This course introduces the students to the basic theory of operation of the automatic transmissions currently used on transit buses. Diagnostic and troubleshooting techniques, repair, and service will be emphasized. This is the Certified Maintenance course CERT6.
DETT 207
Transit Vehicle Engines
Unit(s): 2.5 Class Hours: 45 Lecture total.
Prerequisite: Diesel 201 with a minimum grade of C.
This course will introduce students to the basic theory of operation of current transit bus engines. Diagnostic and troubleshooting techniques, repair, and service will be emphasized. This is the Certified Maintenance course - CERT7.
DETT 208
Transit Vehicle Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning
Unit(s): 1.0 Class Hours: 24 Lecture total.
Prerequisite: Diesel 201 with a minimum grade of C.
This course introduces the student to the basic theory of operation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems used on current transit buses. Service, maintenance, and troubleshooting will be emphasized. This is the Certified Maintenance course - CERT8.
DETT 209
Transit Vehicle Drive Train Suspension
Unit(s): 1.0 Class Hours: 21 Lecture total.
Prerequisite: Diesel 201 with a minimum grade of C.
This course introduces students to the basic theory of operation of transit bus drive train and suspension systems. Diagnostic techniques, repair, and service of current transit bus drive train and suspension systems will be emphasized. This is the Certified Maintenance course - CERT9.
DETT 210
Transit Vehicle Wheelchair Lifts
Unit(s): 0.5 Class Hours: 15 Lecture total.
Prerequisite: Diesel 201 with a minimum grade of C.
This course introduces the student to the basic theory of operation of wheelchair lifts and ramps currently used on transit buses. Service, maintenance, and troubleshooting will be emphasized. This is the Certified Maintenance course - CERT10.
DETT 211
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Safety
Unit(s): 0.3 Class Hours: 4 Lecture total.
This course will cover safe practices when servicing and maintaining hydrogen fuel cell systems. Students will explore safety related to high pressures and high voltages.
DETT 212
Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Unit(s): 1.0 Class Hours: 16 Lecture, 8 Laboratory total.
This course will focus on the fuel cell found in modern alternative fueled vehicles, including heavy duty applications. Fuel cell design, operation, and maintenance will be discussed. Students must supply their own approved safety glasses.
DETT 213
Hydrogen used for Fuel Cells
Unit(s): 1.0 Class Hours: 24 Lecture, 8 Laboratory total.
This course will cover safety, function, operation, and design of the high pressure hydrogen system used with modern fuel cells. Students must supply their own approved safety glasses.
DETT 214
Fuel Cell High Voltage Systems
Unit(s): 1.0 Class Hours: 24 Lecture, 8 Laboratory total.
This course will cover the safe practices, operation, function, and design of the high voltage systems used on modern fuel cells. Students must supply their own approved safety glasses.