The Career Education and Workforce Development (CEWD) Division works regionally to develop partnerships, programs and pathways which assist Career Education (CE) students in successfully reaching their education and employment goals. Santa Ana College's CE programs include 36 areas of study with offerings totaling 62 AA/AS degree options, 147 certificates, and 1 bachelor’s degree. These CE programs are housed in the following divisions: Business, Fine & Performing Arts, Human Services & Technology, Kinesiology & Athletics, and Science, Mathematics & Health Sciences. The CEWD Division participates in various workgroups and committees, as well as manages multiple grants in order to obtain the necessary resources (equipment, software, supplies, professional development, etc.) to support all CE programs, faculty and staff.
CEWD Funding Request Form
Listed below are brief descriptions of the main grants and their objectives:
20-21 Strong Workforce Program (SWP) Local Share- 6 projects to increase enrollment, completion and job placement; these projects are being led by the following departments/divisions/programs: Automotive Technology, Business, CEWD, Certified Nursing Assistant (SCE), Construction Technology (SCE), Criminal Justice Academies, Culinary Arts, Fire Technology, Occupational Studies, and Welding Technology
20-21 SWP Regional Share- SAC is participating in 13 Orange County regional projects to increase enrollment, completion and job placement; these projects are focused on the following areas: Advanced Manufacturing; Advanced Transportation; Apprenticeship/Work-Based Learning; Biotechnology; Center of Excellence; CyberPatriot; Data Collection Efforts; Marketing; NetLabs; and Remote Instruction Technologies
19-20 SWP Local Share- 12 projects to increase enrollment, completion and job placement; these projects are being led by the following departments/divisions/programs: Automotive Technology, Biotechnology, Business, CEWD, Diesel Technology, Fire Technology, Health Sciences Emergency Medical Technician, Medical Assistant, Noncredit to Credit Pathways, Nursing, OC Careers in Education, and Welding Technology
19-20 SWP Regional Share- SAC is participating in 20 Orange County regional projects to increase enrollment, completion and job placement; these projects are focused on the following areas: Advanced Manufacturing; Automotive Technology; Biotechnology; Business & Entrepreneurship; Center of Excellence; CyberPatriot; Energy, Construction, and Utilities; Health; K-12 Crosswalk Enrollment Tool; Marketing; NetLabs; Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism; Education Story Maps; and COVID-19 Remote Instruction Improvement Efforts
Perkins V - monitor project expenditures; complete narrative progress reports; provide funding for and process professional development conference requests; assist faculty with program development and the regional and state recommendation processes; funded projects can be found on the Public Drive organized by academic year
The Career Education and Workforce Development Division also represents Santa Ana College's CE Programs at monthly meetings, such as CTEoc, LAOCRC and SWP Pathways Network.