The purpose of SAC's Accreditation SubCommittee is to create a culture of accreditation throughout the campus and to support and coordinate the college's efforts in achieving and maintaining compliance with ACCJC standards.
- Ensure accreditation is an on-going process by guiding preparation of the ISER, midterm,
and follow-up reports
- Review and monitor collection of evidence and progress on Actionable improvement plans,
accreditation recommendations, and institutional effectiveness indicators
- Inform, engage and involve the college community in accreditation
- Report to and make recommendations to SAC's Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment Committee (IE&A) regarding accreditation activities
- Communicate accreditation standards and processes to the campus community /ensuring
campus-wide participation
- Create annual planning calendar related to accreditation goals
- Monitor and report progress on the implementation of accreditation recommendations
and standards to the IE&A committee
SAC's accreditation subcommittee advises IE&A and the campus community at large regarding
accreditation and continuous quality improvement. The committee identifies and disseminates
knowledge and information regarding faculty/staff/student roles in the accreditation process and
effective practices in conducting a comprehensive college-wide assessment, self-evaluation and
reports, attaining and maintaining accreditation status.
The Accreditation subcommittee is comprised of the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the IE&A Coordinator/ALO, the Academic Senate President or designee, a Classified Staff representative appointed by CSEA, one Academic Dean, and a student appointed by ASG.
2016-2017 Members: Shelly Jaffray, Bonnie Jaros, Elliott Jones, Carlos Lopez, Luis Mejia, Jimmy Nguyen
2016-2017 Agendas and Minutes
Accreditation Oversight Committee Agenda September 2016.docx
Accreditation Oversight Committee_Minutes 09-07-16_Agenda 09-16-16.pdf
Accreditation Oversight Committee minutes 09-16-16_ Agenda 09-30-16 (2).pdf
Accreditation Oversight Committee Agenda Feb 23, 2017.pdf
2014-2015 Members: Shelly Jaffray, Bonnie Jaros, Jimmy Nguyen, Omar Torres, John Zarske
2015 Agendas and Minutes
Accreditation Oversight Committee_Notes_03-17-15.pdf
Accreditation Oversight Committee Agenda 03-31-15.pdf
Accreditation Oversight Committee Minutes 03-31-15_ Agenda 04-15-15.pdf
Accreditation Oversight Committee Minutes 05-13-15.pdf
Accreditation Oversight Committee_Minutes_08-17-15.pdf
Follow-Up Report Template.docx
Accreditation-Shared Governance Alignment.pdf
Templates FOR AOC Use for Midterm Report.docx
Timeline for Key Planning and Assessment Activities_06-09-15.docx
Midterm Report Timelines.docx