Tips for Taking Online Classes - Strategies For Success!
1. Practice time management
At the start of the semester, look at the syllabi provided by each class, make a note of major assignments, and put them in your planner. It is important to include commitments other than those in the classroom. It also helps to have a plan for avoiding distractions (for example cell phone and family interruptions) prior to studying.
2. Set a weekly routine
One of the best ways that students can manage their time well in an online class is to schedule it as if it were a traditional face-to-face class. Each week, it helps to set time aside to work on the online classes, as if they were actually at certain times during the day. For example, if a Political Science class is taken online, study for it on Monday and Wednesday from 8-9:30am.
3. Create a regular study space and stay organized
Set up a dedicated learning environment for studying. This space needs to have high speed internet access. The more comfortable this space becomes, the more you will be able to establish a routine. Setting up a regular workspace or office will also help you to stay organized. Knowing exactly where important dates, files, forms, syllabi, books, and assignments are will help keep you on track towards hitting your goals.
4. Set goals and leverage your network
Set goals at the beginning of the semester, and check in weekly. If having trouble holding yourself responsible, pair up with a fellow classmate, or enlist the help of a spouse or friend to check in as an accountability partner. As the semester progresses, the goals may need to be revisited and adjusted.
Most online courses are built around the concept of collaboration, with professors actively encouraging that students work together to complete assignments and discuss lessons. Build relationships with other students by introducing yourself and engaging in online discussion boards. Your peers can be a valuable resource when preparing for exams or asking for feedback on assignments.
5. Actively participate
Participate in the course’s online forums to help you better understand course materials and engage with fellow classmates. This might involve commenting on a classmate’s discussion board or a general forum for the entire class. Read what other students and your professor are saying, and if you have a question, ask for clarification.
And if you do feel yourself falling behind, speak up. It is best to avoid waiting until an assignment is almost due to ask questions or report issues. Email your professor and be proactive in asking for help