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Remote Instruction Certification (RIC)
Remote Instruction Certification (RIC) is required for all faculty teaching Remote Instruction.
As required by the RSCCD/FARSCCD MOU (5-15-2020) instructors will demonstrate competency in Remote Instruction for emergency remote instruction teaching. At Santa Ana College, the Remote Instructor Certificate demonstrates competency.
Remote Instruction Certificate |
Training will assure faculty have training for required: Title V, instructor contact and student-student contact, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) protecting the privacy of student education records. |
Suggested Order of Completion
Training - All Training is self-paced
Begin NOW! | Canvas Course Card |
Support |
Canvas Silver Badge (self-paced quizzes, 10 flex hours)
Accessibility Training
(self-paced quizzes, 3 flex hours)
Demonstrated Accessibility Badge
(self-paced document submission, 6 flex hours))
This badge is embedded in the Accessibility Training course. You must successfully complete it prior to the Canvas Silver Certificate.
Virtual Conferencing Badge
(self-paced quizzes, 1 flex hour)
|  | Canvas, Accessibility, Virtual Conferencing Support:
Attend Cavas Q&A Sessions Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 12:00pm & 1:00pm - 4:00pm, Friday 9:00am - 12:00pm
Canvas Silver Certificate
(self-paced, Sandbox submission, 10 flex hours)
Canvas Silver Certificate Support:
You have been assigned an Online Canvas Mentor. Their job is to review your Sandbox submission for the Canvas Silver Certificate and to assist you with any needed updates.
These colleagues are experienced online certified faculty and have agreed to help out in our college task of assuring quality standards for Remote Instruction.
After successfully completing your workshops/certificates above, obtain your
SAC Remote Instruction Certificate!
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Faculty that have completed the SAC Online Teaching Certificate do not need to complete the RIC.
The Distance Education Team is here to assist you through this training. You WILL complete and we will help!
Ready... Get Set... Get Started!
The Demonstrated Accessibility Badge and Canvas Silver Certificate are manually reviewed. Please give us a week for review and feedback.
If you are already familiar with Canvas, you will be able to quickly click through the information and take the repeatable quizzes. Feel free to pick and choose, and jump right to the quizzes for areas of expertise!
Unsure if you have completed any of the training?
Find out more about Electronic Badging at SAC.