What is an Attribute Builder?
Attribution Builders help faculty to easily determine and add the appropriate Creative Commons license to Open Educational Materials. The Creative Commons license defines how the material can be used, and is required for the material to be considered OER. Use of another's work requires attribution. For more information about attribution, see
Best Practices for Attribution.
The most widely usable license, and the preferred license at Santa Ana College is the Creative Commons license
CC BY 4.0. Please use either the Open Attribution Builder below for documents and the
HTML code from Creative Commons as it uses the relationship back to Creative Commons, a choice of the CC BY image and identifications for search.
Open Attribution Builder

ContactPH: (714) 564–6725 FAX: (714) 647–0761 sac_disted@sac.edu Distance Education Office Cesar Chavez Building Room A-101 1530 W. Seventeenth St. Santa Ana, CA 92706 | Hours
Fall & Spring Semesters Monday–Thursday: 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM (PST) Friday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM (PST) & By Appointment Closed Saturday & Sunday
Summer Semester Monday–Thursday: 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM (PST) Closed Friday, Saturday, & Sunday |