Student Conduct Resolution Process
When a report is submitted of alleged misconduct, students are asked to meet with the Student Conduct Officer to discuss the concern. The information below details the different types of resolution options.
All notifications to Students will be sent via our Maxient Case Management System and will be sent to the email on file. Once the notification is sent, it shall be presumptively delivered. The Student is responsible for ensuring their campus records are current.
Informal Options:
Administrative Review: If the Student elects not to participate in the resolution process or does not appear for a scheduled meeting, the Student shall waive their right to provide a response to the allegations. The Student Conduct Officer will determine findings and issue applicable sanctions based solely on the information provided in the incident report.
Restorative Resolution: Restorative resolutions focus on addressing the impact of the behavior and reintegrating the Respondent into the college community. A restorative resolution requires the full agreement and voluntary participation of the Student and other parties involved in the case. Timely restorative resolutions can promote accountability and empower individuals to collaboratively develop customized resolutions that meet their needs, resulting in a written agreement. This may include apologies to the impacted individuals, voluntary mental health counseling, community service, or other supportive services.
Investigation: If the Student denies the allegations, an investigation will be initiated. All investigations are thorough, reliable, impartial, prompt, and fair. Investigations involve interviews with all relevant parties and witnesses, obtaining relevant evidence, and identifying sources of expert information as necessary.
Formal Option:
Due Process Hearing: No Student shall be suspended for more than ten (10) days or expelled unless the conduct for which the Student is being disciplined is in violation of this policy or it has been determined that good cause for suspension or expulsion exists, and the Student is afforded the right to due process. For discipline resulting from a sexual harassment complaint under Title IX, the procedure in AR 3425 Title IX (9) Sexual Harassment must be used.
If appropriate, the Chancellor or designee, prior to the suspension or expulsion of any Student, will notify the appropriate law enforcement authorities of the county or city where the college is situated of any acts of the Respondent which may be in violation of Section 245 of the Penal Code. Violations of any law, ordinance, regulation, or rule regulating or pertaining to the parking of vehicles shall not be cause for suspension or expulsion and are not, for the purposes and intent of this policy, of the class of actions, conduct, or violations upon which due process shall be afforded. However, repeatedly ignoring or consistently violating parking rules, regulations, laws, or ordinances may result in vehicles being towed or losing parking privileges.
All parties will have a full and fair opportunity, through the investigation process, to suggest witnesses and questions, to provide evidence and witnesses, and to fully review and respond to all evidence on the record. The designated investigating administrator may allow, disallow and/or select individuals who will be included in the process. For actions regarding minor students, parental notification and/or involvement is required.
Although in-person interviews for parties and all potential witnesses are ideal, circumstances (e.g., study abroad, summer break, and other extraordinary conditions) may require individuals to be interviewed remotely. Skype, Zoom, FaceTime, WebEx, or similar technologies may be used for interviews if determined necessary by the Student Conduct Officer. The District will take appropriate steps to ensure the security/privacy of remote interviews reasonably. No unauthorized audio or video recording of any kind is permitted during investigation meetings.