What is Geography?
Geographers study the interrelatedness of the components of the earth system, processes and human characteristics found on the planet and analyze these from a spatial perspective and through the use of the scientific method. They create, analyze and update maps through the collection of data, observation, imaging and remote sensing. Geographers are on the vangaurd of scientific exploration and analysis through the techniques used in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
Geography and the Environment Program Learning Outcomes:
Students will demonstrate knowledge of the geographical and spatial perspectives and apply this knowledge to the interrelationship of the major world regions and sub-regions, culture, geomorphology, climatology and meteorology, and utilize the scientific method.
What degree(s) does SAC offer in Geography?
Geography AA Degree | Geography AA Degree for Transfer |
What careers are available in Geography?
How well does it pay?
Payment for geographers may be more reflective of the field of employment, with the private sector oftentimes providing greater levels of compensation then most governmental work, which in turn is generally higher than aid agencies and NGOs. Nevertheless, the personal and professional rewards of working in less-well-compensated forms of employment outweigh the monetary rewards of the private sector for many people with degrees in geography.
I'm not sure if I want to get a geography degree. What classes should I take to find out?
Geography 100: World Regional Geography (3)
Geography 101: Physical Geography and the Environment (3)
Geography 101 Lab: Physical Geography and the Environment
Lab (3)
and/or Geography 102: Cultural Geography (3)