
Course Requirements​

High School Textbooks used for free required courses at Continuing Education

Here are our most popular high school diploma courses. To complete your diploma, you will need 160 credits. Each class you take is worth 5 credits. Your past education and experiences will determine how many classes you need. 

​​The time it will take for you to get your diploma depends on how many classes you need and how many you finish per semester. A counselor will help you build an education plan. That will outline the courses you need to take.
​English Communication - 40 Credits​​
Building ​​Reading Skills 1​
Reading Proficiency
English Funda​mentals​ 1
​English Fundamentals 2
​English Fundamentals 3
English Fundamentals 4
Composition 1
​Composition 2​

​Math - 20​ Credits
​Math Fundamentals 1
Consumer Math 1A
Introductory Algebra​

​Natural​ Science - 20 Credits
​Basic Science 1
Earth Science 1
Physical Science 1
Health Science

​Social ​​and Behavioral Sciences - 30 Credits 
​World Geography and/or World History
U.S. History 1 and 2
World History
American Government
​Ethnic Studies - 5 Credits
Ethnic Studies

​Humaniti​es - 10 Credits
​Film as Art
Understanding America through Art​​

​​Electi​​ves - 40 Credits
​Any high school course 
Work experience
Leadership courses
High school ready classes (ABE)
English language classes 
Career education classes​​​
Red graduation cap

Have Questions?

Call 714-241-5700​ or complete this form and we will contact you. 

Click here to request information about getting your high school diploma at Santa Ana College, near Anaheim, Irvine, and Tustin.