Santa Ana College Foundation Month Year
A History of Success, A Future of Promise

Message from our Board President

(As the faculty and students of Santa Ana College grapple with California’s increasing financial woes and their impact on the school, the work of the Santa Ana College Foundation is more critical than ever, Board President Tony Ellis says.

“Each year we take a strategic look at needs that are directly related to students, as pointed out by the different departments of Santa Ana College,” he explains. “This includes materials, equipments, field trips--anything of benefit to the learning experience. The faculty prioritize; then, I believe that it is our responsibility to find funding.”

The foundation relies on other foundations, as well as corporate and individual donations. A significant number of the faculty themselves believe so passionately in the college that they are also donors to the foundation. Two years ago a sub-committee was formed to spearhead a unique board funding strategy. Ellis explains, “ We ask each board member to bring us two names: one person you must ask for a donation and one person you maybe should not ask directly, perhaps due to a working relationship. Then, you approach number one, and we find the appropriate person to ask number two. It’s been a very successful strategy. People all over the school are extremely helpful in coming up with names.”

As State funding diminishes and tuition costs escalate, student body president Alex Flores senses that more students will be turning to the Santa Ana College (SAC) for aid. $365,000 in scholarships was awarded last year. Faculty needs will also increase, as SAC joins other educational institutions in cutting back on expenditures for supplies and equipment. Innovation Grants, launched in 2007 at SAC, fund extras that teachers believe will enhance their students’ learning experience. In 2007-2008, $10,000 was awarded to these worthwhile programs.

Another way to give is to join the President’s Circle--community and civic leaders who pledge to give $1,000 per year for five consecutive years. President’s Circle members met on October 3 for breakfast, an overview by SAC President Erlinda Martinez of college goals and plans, and an insider’s tour of the acclaimed Orange County Sheriff’s Regional Training Academy.
Please visit our website at to consider other giving options, or call Foundation Executive Director Christina Romero at 714-564-6091. Santa Ana College is the launch pad that transforms many aspiring students into productive members of our community. No gift is too small to change a life.)

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Dr. Julio Caceres

In his native Colombia, Dr. Julio Caceres was regarded as a prominent dentist and a union leader. As president of the state chapter of his national union, he became embroiled in challenges to the social security system. He was also on the union’s national leadership committee. Several harrowing events in an increasingly violent situation made it clear that his life was in danger. A hasty departure was necessary.

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