Santa Ana College Foundation Month Year
A History of Success, A Future of Promise


I hope you are enjoying your summer. Santa Ana College
had another exciting year filled with student success
and community outreach. Please enjoy your monthly
source for timely information on the Foundation's
programs, important news and events from the college,
opportunities for giving, and more.

Erlinda J. Martinez, Ed.D.
President, Santa Ana College

2009 Halls of Fame Inductees

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Continuing the venerable tradition of recognizing outstanding alumni at Santa Ana College (SAC), four honorees were inducted into the Alumni Hall of Fame at SAC’s Phillips Hall in a very moving June 5th ceremony that drew the largest audience ever. Inductees were also recognized at the annual college commencement ceremony.

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Around the Campus

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In spite of unprecedented budget cuts imposed by Sacramento impacting curriculum, class size, scheduling and other aspects of Santa Ana College’s (SAC) services, the college continues to fulfill its mission to address evolving workforce requirements, while serving its students and meeting their educational needs. There is good news on some fronts. The Human Services and Technology Division has received several exciting federal grants recently.

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Foundation’s Planned Giving Program
Reaches Milestone with Carl Sawyer Bequest

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In mid-July, Santa Ana College was honored to learn that alum Carl Sawyer had included a significant bequest in his trust to be given to the college. The bequest marks the largest to-date in the SAC Foundation’s planning giving program. The funds allocated to SAC will be split between the Nealley Library and the Athletic Hall of Fame.

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Year in Review

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A cornerstone of Santa Ana College’s mission to ensure that no student is denied educational opportunity due to financial constraints, the SAC Foundation has responded to the diverse needs of the student body for more than 40 years. In spite of the severe challenges California’s budget crisis has imposed, 2008-2009 continued this record of service. Established in 1968, the Foundation received more than $546,000 in revenue and donations during the past fiscal year.

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Ways To Give
SAC Web Site
Foundation Web Site
Alumni Web Site
Alumni Hall of Fame
Alumni Registration


Hall of Famer Robert David Hall Attends White House Ceremony

Robert David Hall, one of this year’s inductees into the Santa Ana College Hall of Fame, attended an historic event at the White House on July 24. One of the most prominent disabled actors working today, Hall joined President Barack Obama and others to commemorate the 19th anniversary of the landmark civil rights legislation, the Americans with Disabilities Act. The President also announced that the United States would sign the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

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