President’s Circle Holds Inaugural Meeting
It wasn’t Breakfast at Tiffany’s or Green
Eggs and Ham, but it was a memorable event for Santa
Ana College and its foundation. On February 6, the
President’s Circle held its inaugural breakfast with Dr.
Erlinda Martinez, president of Santa Ana College.
Formed in Spring, 2007, the President’s Circle today
comprises 15 members. These include Dr. Dixie Arnold, Ed
Arnold, Richard Bridges, Cherie L. Bowers, Kristin
Crellin (OCTFCU), Catherine Dunn-Ryan, Andrew Gonis,
Mary Huebsch, Sara Lundquist, Ph.D., Dr. Erlinda
Martinez, Ken Purcell (First American Corporation),
Donna Scarborough, Jon Voget, and Cheryl and Jim West.
It is a group of prominent alumni and friends whose
annual support of $1,000 or more makes a crucial
difference in ensuring that no student is denied
educational opportunities due to financial constraint.
The group meets quarterly with President Martinez,
staying abreast of all of the programs and expansions
that are leading the growth of SAC. In addition, members
are invited to special events such as the Pageant of the
Trees fundraiser, President’s Breakfast Briefing,
President’s Night at the Theatre, and campus events and
lectures throughout the year. At these events, they will
have access to the college president, the president’s
cabinet, and the Santa Ana College Foundation Board of
Directors, as well as key faculty members and other
college leaders. They receive public recognition of
their support, but most important, they have the
personal satisfaction of knowing that they are playing a
significant role in creating a caring, dynamic and
productive learning environment at Santa Ana College.
The Santa Ana College Foundation, which conceived the
idea of the President’s Circle, is committed to ensuring
that no student is denied educational opportunities due
to financial constraint. Its mission is to maintain,
expand and enhance the educational opportunities at SAC
by linking community organizations, businesses, funding
sources, alumni and staff, thus preserving the college’s
near century of "A History of Success, A Future of
Through a wide range of programs and the generosity of
people and businesses throughout the community, the
Foundation supports the college’s dedication to
excellence in education. The Foundation is ensuring that
the resources are in place, now and in the future, to
support this unique institution which has touched the
lives of tens of thousands of people who have gone on to
launch successful careers in business, government,
education, science, the arts and athletics.
Funds given through the Santa Ana College President’s
Circle are unrestricted, which gives the college the
flexibility to apply them towards its most pressing
priorities and needs. Examples include:
• Faculty development and recognition
• Academic programs
• Student support
• Computer technology
• Alumni development
• Vital equipment
Faculty member Cher Carerra was the recipient of a
mini-grant in 2007 from the President’s Circle. “The
mini-grant allowed me to kickstart a faculty development
program that had been dormant for three or four years,”
she says. “It’s important to invest in people—to treat
them nicely and make them aware that they are
appreciated. One of the things that I was able to put
together with these funds was a panel discussion on
classroom management. We had a lively discussion and
learned something new in a pleasant environment. We all
felt like respected adults.”
President’s Circle member Mary Huebsch observes, “I am
an associate professor and chair of the Speech
Communication Department at SAC. I taught full-time in
the ESL Department during the 1980s, raised my children
during the 1990s and returned to work at SAC in my
present department in 2001. I decided to join the
President's Circle after hearing the inspiring student
presentations at the kick-off event last spring. There
are a few other faculty and staff members in the group,
but most of the members are community members I am so
proud of our college. SAC has done so much for so many
individuals in so many different ways over the years. I
want to know more about these efforts and be supportive
of them.”
Dr. Martinez concludes, “The President’s Circle is a
great idea, and I am proud that it was formed during my
tenure as Santa Ana College president. It is important
for us to develop close relationships with our most
dedicated supporters. In the small group setting of the
President’s Circle, members can ask questions that will
help them to better understand operations at SAC, and I
am able to tap into their wealth of knowledge for
For more information about the President’s Circle,
call Christina Romero at 714-564-6091.
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