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                            ​Click HERE for audition details

Title:  Almost, Maine.  2 people sitting on bench with snow on the ground.  "by John Cariani"

April 3​ & 4 4&7pm

Buy tickets HERE

​Fi​​nd Yo​ur Story!​

Preparation . . . Inspiration . . . F​reedom

The preparation you need

The inspiration you desire

The freedom you crave​​​​​​​​


Santa Ana College Department of T​​​heatre Arts is not only devoted to preparing students for successful transfer to undergraduate programs but also thoroughly equips students to pursue professional careers in the performing arts, education, or allied fields.


SACTA aims to inspire, motivate, and challenge theatre and technical artists to cultivate passion, love and appreciation for all aspects of the art of theatre. Through comprehensive courses, special projects, master classes, and provocative show choices, SACTA continues to develop theatre artists passionate about the evolution of theatre and progression of the arts.​​​

Student actors and technicians continue to credit SACTA programs as integral factors to educational, spiritual, and social success. In addition to being thoroughly prepared for a career in the arts, students often highlight the life skills, social skills, and confidence they have found due to the unique coaching approach of SACTA curriculum. Letting go of inhibitions and historical fears, owning personal power, and stepping into self-confidence are common student sentiments.

The Santa Ana College Theatre Arts Department is committed to training students in the craft of creating, performing, analyzing, and critiquing dramatic performances by providing students with the practical theatre skills, maintaining adherence to national standards, and providing historical and theoretical knowledge.

SACTA is focused on disciplined education of students interested in professional performance, design, production, and/or education.

Our Venue

Our facilities include a flexible black box, a virtual and physical lighting lab, costume and scene shops, green room and dressing rooms, and a 400 seat proscenium theatre outfitted with intelligent lighting fixtures and control equipment.
