Hospitality Careers are calling!

Explore a career in hospitality including food services and hotel/motel/resort front desk services. This certificate program focuses on customer service, understanding customer behavior, and loyalty in a diverse and global society.
Salary range for Front Desk Clerk in California: $23,960 to $41,360 a year Salary range for first line Food Prep Supervisors: $26,200 to $60,490 a year
Students must pass the following TWO courses: VHOSP 201 - Career Focus - Hospitality Services VBUS 243 - Introduction to Customer Service Skills
Students must pass ONE of the following courses: VBUS 118 - Introduction to Windows VFOOD 005 - ServSafe Food Handler
Students must also pass ONE of the following courses: VBUS 400 - Employability Skills ESL 520 - English for Work 2
- You must be 18 or older and living in California to register for this class.
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