Student Technology Loaner Program Agreement Form




   RSCCD-Tag No.: 

   Laptop name:      


   AC Adapter: 

   ID verified by: 

By participating in the Technology Loaner Program, checking the box below, indicates that you agree to the following terms and conditions as the borrower of the device:


Student must be enrolled in a noncredit class in the current semester, has had regular attendance, and has demonstrated commitment to the program as verified by their instructor.

Authorized Use

The borrower must present a Santa Ana College Student ID at the time of checkout. Only the borrower is authorized to use the laptop (with charger) and borrower agrees not to lend, share or otherwise provide access to the laptop to any person other than technical support personnel of the Rancho Santiago Community College District.

The laptop is intended for academic use only. Any use of the laptop for other purposes is not authorized by Santa Ana College or the Rancho Santiago Community College District.

Loss of Data

Santa Ana College is not responsible for the loss of any data, regardless of the cause. Borrower is strongly encouraged to use removable media such as a flash drive to store work or save it on the Cloud. All data on the laptop will be deleted upon its return.


Borrower is responsible for the safe return of the laptop to the Centennial Education Center, 2900 W. Edinger Ave, Room F-109 (Resource Center), Santa Ana, CA 92704. The laptop must be returned on or before August 17, 2022. To return your laptop before the deadline you can call (714)241-5802 or email to make an appointment.

Santa Ana College reserves the right to require the return of the laptop at any time prior to the end of the term.


Student must be enrolled in a noncredit class in the current semester, has had regular attendance, and has demonstrated commitment to the program as verified by their instructor.

Financial Liability

A late fee at a rate of $25 / day will be charged to borrower for returning the laptop after the due date. If the laptop is not returned for any reason or if the laptop is returned with damage outside of normal wear and tear, borrower will be held financially responsible for the full cost of the laptop.

Photo Release

Borrower agrees that the Rancho Santiago Community College District, Santa Ana College, and the Santa Ana Partnership may use photos of you in publications regarding this program.

   I have read, understand and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Technology Loaner Program above.