Pageant of the Trees Dazzles Alumni and Friends,
Breaks Record by Raising over $53,300 for Students!
L to R: Ken Purcell, Dr. Sara Lundquist, Jayne Munoz, Dr. Erlinda Martinez, Tony Ellis, Mark Manion, Ignacio Muniz.
The Seventh Annual Pageant of the Trees on December 8 sparkled
with holiday magic as distinguished guests gathered to support
innovative student programs and scholarships at Santa Ana
College (SAC). The sold-out event was a resounding success with
another record-breaking year of net proceeds at more than
The premier sponsor and host was First American Corporation.
Guests were welcomed by beautiful holiday décor, traditional
Christmas carolers, and a warm greeting by SAC President Erlinda
Martinez and her student ambassadors.
I am extremely grateful to First American Corporation, Parker Kennedy, Chairman and CEO, and Ken Purcell, Retired Vice-President and SAC Foundation Board Chairman, for their unwavering support of our students. We continue to beat the odds and succeed because strong organizations and visionary leaders understand the importance of investing in our students to enhance their future, develop our business base, and promote opportunities for our community.
In the spirit of giving, guests bid on spectacular
custom-designed trees, delightful silent auction baskets, and
fabulous live auction getaways. Guests were inspired by student
testimonials, and entertained by SAC Professor David Lopez and
his Latin Jazz Ensemble.
The holiday spirit was present throughout the evening as
Santa Ana College alumni and friends generously donated to
ensure that deserving students in need receive the gift of a
college education. A very special appreciation to all those that
helped make this unique and amazing event such a success!
Happy Holidays,

Erlinda J. Martinez, Ed. D.
Santa Ana College