Faculty Members
Name |
Phone | Email |
Room |
David Roper, Ed.D. (Department Chair)
| (714) 564-6664 |
Roper_David@sac.edu | J-203 |
Matthew Bittner (Department Chair)
| (714) 564-6662 | Bittner_Matthew@sac.edu | J-204 |
J. Marty Rudd
| (714) 564-6667
| Rudd_James@sac.edu
| J-201
Jaime Gonzalez
| (714) 564-6466
| Gonzalez_Jaime@sac.edu
| J-201
James Martin
| (714) 564-6467
| Martin_James@sac.edu
| J-201
Part Time Faculty |
Keith Andreasen
| Andreasen_Keith@sac.edu
| |
Mark Sosebee
| Sosebee_Mark@sac.edu
James "Jim" Pekarek
| Pekarek_James@sac.edu
| |
Abraham Vega
| Vega_Abraham@sac.edu
Bachelor's Degree in Automotive Technology arriving Fall 2026: Read the Orange County Register report here.

Santa Ana College is now a Mopar CAP Level 2 school. Fall 2023 semester will be the first cohort. To learn more about Mopar CAP, contact the CAP coordinator, Dr. David Roper: roper_david@sac.edu or visit the Mopar CAP website.

Automotive Job Opportunities
Starting salaries range between $15.50 to $22.00 per hour. Skilled mechanics can earn $60,000+ per year with experience. Full and part-time jobs are available. It's estimated that over 1800 jobs will become available between 2020 and 2024, around 360 job openings per year.
The Top Occupations in Orange County
Automotive Lube Technicians
Tire Repairers and Changers
Automotive Specialty Technicians
Automotive Master Mechanics
Top Employers for SAC Students
Education Opportunities
Santa ana College is the third largest college in the region for enrollment, the highest number of Associates Degree graduates and second highest number of certificates awarded. Santa Ana College offers one degree option and many certificate options. Some of the options are listed below. To see a full list of our programs offered,
click here
Automotive Technology Degree
The associate degree curriculum in automotive technology is designed to prepare the student for employment in automotive service and repair. Technical instruction includes lecture and lab experiences in a variety of subjects which the student may select according to his/her interests. Employment opportunities are available in civil service, service stations, independent garages and dealerships, both domestic and foreign.
Learn more here
Engine Service Option Certificate of Achievement
The certificate curriculum in chassis service is designed to prepare students as engine service helpers and apprentices. Course content includes diagnostic skills, measurement, engine teardown, and assembly. Timing belts, variable cam timing, turbochargers, and other engine components are covered. The program will enable those already employed in the field to upgrade their skills in engine maintenance and service.
Learn more here
Chassis Service Option Certificate of Achievement
The certificate in chassis service is designed to prepare the student for entry into the specialized field of brake, front suspension, and steering service on both import and domestic vehicles.
Learn more here
Engine Performance and Electrical Option Certificate of Achievement
The curriculum in engine performance and electrical service engine performance certificate is designed to prepare students for entry into the specialized field of domestic and foreign automotive engine performance, electrical and air conditioning service. Advances in electronics have increased the demand for technical skills and knowledge in these specialized area.
Advanced Engine Performance Option Certificate of Achievement
The certificate curriculum in advance engine performance is designed to prepare students for entry into the specialized field of diagnosing, testing and repairing computer controlled ignition, fuel and emission systems. It is recommended that students complete the Engine Performance & Electrical Option Certificate or have an equivalent trade experience.
Learn more here
Drive Train Service Option Certificate of Achievement
The certificate in drive train service is designed to prepare the student for entry into the specialized field of standard and automatic transmissions, driveline and differential service and repair on both import and domestic vehicles. Learn more here
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