There are two main GI Bill® programs offering education assistance to survivors and dependents of Veterans:
Additional notes regarding eligibility for transferability of education benefits include:
Not barred for reenlistment or flagged due to adverse personnel actions.
Have at least 6 years of service on the date of request.
Have completed a minimum of six years in the armed forces and agree to serve another four years from the date of request, or
Have at least 10 years of service on the date of election and not able to commit four more years due to a retention-control point or mandatory retirement date, and commit to serve for the maximum time allowed by either the Retention Control Point or the MRD as the date of request, or
Have served at least 20 years on or before Aug. 1, 2009, therefore, no additional service required.
Due to a lack in staffing, SAC has not and is currently not participating in the MyCAA program.