The Rancho Santiago Community College District is committed to assuring that all persons may
exercise the constitutionality protected rights of Free Expression, including but not limited to
speech, peaceful assembly, worship, use of bulletin boards, the distribution of printed materials
or petitions, and the wearing of buttons, badges, and other insignia (AR 3900).
Any individual or group may use exterior spaces, including
lawns, plazas, quadrangles, patios, or related open spaces on the College campuses and
District grounds for the exercise of academic freedom and Free Expression (AR 3900).
Individuals or groups wishing to participate in Free Expression activities are encouraged to
check-in with the College’s Office of Student Life or Facilities Coordinator. Checking-in will not
result in a denial or limitation of Free Expression. It will provide notification to the College
pertaining to the activities to be conducted, as well as allow for safety measures for the
individual or group, and all College community members to be maintained (AR 3900).
In order to protect the safety of all individuals on campus and to prevent the unreasonable
interference with the educational, research, outreach, and other functions of the District and its
campuses, the following restrictions, designed to serve a significant public interest, will apply to
all public forums on campus. Speakers and organizers must:
Allow the District’s regularly scheduled classes, research, events, ceremonies, and
normal and essential operations to proceed without unreasonable interference.
Allow parking and the flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
Allow the entrance and exit to and from all buildings.
Allow a group that has reserved the space to use it. An individual or group with a
reservation will have priority in the use of the location.
Allow a speaker or performer to be seen and heard by the audience.
Maintain a noise level that allows classes, campus events and operations to occur
without unreasonable interference. The use of sound amplification shall normally be
allowed, except where such sound amplification creates noise or diversion that
unreasonably disrupts classroom, College, or District activities or operations.
Assure that actions do not create an imminent health or safety hazard.
Assure that actions to not destroy District property.
Physical force, the threat of force, or other coercive activities used to subject anyone, is
expressly forbidden and will result in discipline proceedings.
Students, employees, and members of the public are free to post any material, as long as it
does not promote illegal behavior. Material may not exceed 120 square inches in size, and will
be removed after 10 days.
Individuals wishing to post materials must receive a date stamp and provide a copy to the
College’s Office of Student Life or Facilities Coordinator. The College’s Office of
Student Life or Facilities Coordinator will not deny a posting due to content and/or viewpoint.
Items that have expired or are not dated will be removed.
Please direct any questions to the Student Life Office at (714) 564-6208.