Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
If you have hearing loss that makes it difficult for you to participate in class without an accommodation, you may be eligible for services from the DHHP office.
How do I get services?
Once you have completed a college application and receive a student ID number from Admissions, you may contact the Senior Interpreter
Ruth Rodriguez by email or call 714-564-6283 (voice) or 657-235-2999 (Video Phone) and ask for an intake appointment.
An appointment will be scheduled for you with a DSPS faculty member. The appointment will be scheduled for the earliest date possible.
What do I need for my intake appointment?
You will need to bring your student ID number and a copy of an audiogram to verify your hearing loss.
What information will you ask of me?
You will need to tell us your name, address, and email address or phone number for contacting you. You will also need to know your educational goals, if you have support from the Department of Rehabilitation, and what
classes you would like to take. In order to determine all necessary accommodations for your eduacational success, we will also ask about your educational background, family background, language learning, and medical history.
May I take any class I want?
Yes, you can take any class you want, as long as you have met all prerequisites for the class (The Santa Ana College catalog lists all prerequisites for all classes). If you want to take English or Math classes you will need to take the appropriate placement tests. We offer those tests in our office with someone who can sign, so you do not need to make an appointment with the Testing Center. You may also take the placement tests on your own at the
Assessment Center if you wish.
The placement test will not be administered on the day of your intake unless arranged in advance. A return appointment will be made with you at the end of the intake appointment.
What type of services will I get from the DHHP office?
The services you will receive will be decided together with a DSPS Faculty member. Services will be discussed with you and a decision will be made on an individual basis. You may need more services than a friend or fewer services.
What are some common services Deaf and Hard of Hearing students qualify for?
- Academic counseling
- Assistive listening devices
- Closed captioning
- Computer Aided Real Time Captioning (CART)
- Note taker
- Preferential seating
- Priority registration
- Sign Language interpreters
- Vocational counseling
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