The Academic Senate's primary function is to represent ALL faculty of Santa Ana College and make recommendations to the administration of the college and to the governing board with respect to academic and professional matters outlined in Title 5, Section 53200.
All are welcome to attend Senate Business Meetings
Voting members include Executive officers and Division senators.
In accordance with the Academic Senate Bylaws all voting members are expected to attend every meeting. If a voting member cannot attend a meeting, they are asked to find an alternate and inform Senate Historian.
Any member of the public is welcome to address the Senate during the Public Comment portion of the meeting on matters within the purview of the Academic Senate; however, no action or discussion may be taken on any item brought forward at that time.
Any member of the Rancho Santiago community may request to be put on the Senate agenda by filling out the Agenda Request Form, preferably, one week before the desired meeting.
The Academic Senate of Santa Ana College affirms the Academic Senate for California Community College's (ASCCC) Inclusivity Statement.
The ASCCC respects and is committed to promoting equal opportunity and inclusion of diverse voices
and opinions. In particular, the ASCCC acknowledges the need to reflect the student populations of
California community colleges as momentum and action toward student equity have become a crux for
the success of colleges as a whole. The ASCCC demonstrates ongoing efforts for faculty inclusion and is
committed to student equity for the system, for society, and beyond (Academic Senate for California
Community Colleges, 2012).
Academic and professional matters refer to the following (10 + 1):
Curriculum including establishing prerequisites and placing courses within disciplines (Rely Primarily)
Degree and certificate requirements (Rely Primarily)
Grading policies (Rely Primarily)
Educational program development (Mutual Agreement)
Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success (Rely Primarily)
District and college governance structures, as related to faculty roles (Mutual Agreement)
Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes, including self-study and annual reports (Mutual Agreement)
Policies for faculty professional development activities (Rely Primarily)
Processes for program review (Mutual Agreement)
Processes for institutional planning and budget development (Mutual Agreement)
Other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon between the governing board and the Academic Senate (Mutual Agreement)
For additional information on the Academic Senate and its mission, please visit the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges.
Upcoming Meetings & Events
Spring 2025 Senate Retreat Agenda
Spring 2025 Plenary in Irvine: April 24 - April 26, 2025
Check out ASCCC Calendar for information on upcoming webinars hosted by Academic Senate for California Community Colleges.