Our Academic Senate (AS) Dues ($5.00 a month or $50.00 a year) help support the following:
The current Academic Senate $1,000 Scholarships (amended in Fall 2024) are for the following:
- SAC Leadership
- SAC Continuing Education Scholarship
Additionally, our Academic Senate dues support the:
- Fainbarg Chase Thrive Center Yearly Donation ($1,000 - established 2023)
Our AS dues aslo support our Awards of Excellence Honorariums (Distinguished Faculty, Adjunct Faculty Award for both credit and noncredit), professional development for the AS Executive Team (e.g., Fall and Spring Plenary, CIC Summer Institute), our parliamentarian stipend, expenses for AS retreat gatherings of Senior and Junior Senators, and other expenses that come up that support our AS mission.
If you are already paying your dues, we THANK YOU for your support.
If you wish to set up your dues, please visit our Self-Service under the Daily Work Faculty tab labeled "Academic Senate Dues".

Be sure to click on the SAC Work Location drop down menu to populate our SAC form. Once submitted, you should see the deduction in the following month's paycheck stub.
Please email academicsenate@sac.edu if you have any questions regarding our AS dues.